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In the new trailer, Kerbals talk in reversed Spanish.


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The DO say something in spanish if you reverse the audio in the video, they say:

- Esta buenisima la verdad quedo, la verdad esta madre.

- Quedo otro pendejo atras.

- Hay que se va! Vamonos!

In English +/-

- This ship is really good, it\'s true that its awesome

- There is another dude behind us

- It\'s leaving, let\'s go!

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Lol I thought it was English.

- Wow it looks gorgeous.

- Aah it looks good, let look inside.

Something like that, but I had my sound turned low because it\'s 0:23 here. :P

anyway, since the official discussion is locked/being moved temporary... I\'ll say it here.


Does this mean that the kerbals also have a voice in the game? If yes then that\'s a surprise for me, I can\'t remember that listed.

I love surprises! It\'s Christmas morning again, for the 3 time this year! ;D :P

Edit: wait I just saw that the job application of sound designer is gone. I also remember someone posting a request for this a month ago...

Whaaaaaaa!! Why do I live in GMT+2?!! I\'ve have to sleep but now I can\'t! x\'D

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I always pictured the Kerbals speaking like the Raving Rabids or something, and never actually saying anything coherent.

Especially the screams, the Rabid\'s screams just sound so Kerbal-esque

I do hope that they scream just like the rabbits, that would make the game. XD

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