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[Tracking station] 'Fly' & 'Abort' button disable // EVA corruption ?

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// EDIT //

Ok, I found a not corrupted persistent.sfs file with the dropbox rollback.

Here is a diff of the bad and good save : http://www.mergely.com/GDEF0aE8/  (careful, 5Mo webpage, 2x 90k lines, with heavy JS on it, may crash your browser)

The two save :

Good https://www.dropbox.com/s/122w3pumnca8wrh/persistent - good.sfs?dl=0

Bad https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmo2v8er1nu5g6l/persistent - bad.sfs?dl=0

I'm wondering if it's not EVA related ? because I can see my kerbal outside on the tracking station, but the save seem to put him in the cupola (cupola :89963 / kerbal inside :89995)

Could the save had only time to a partial write, allowing this inside / outside paradox ?



I'm facing a strange bug : When opening the tracking station in career mode (but not in sandbox), I can't use the Fly / Abort / recover buttons, they are disable.

This mean I can't take control of any of my space crafts :-/

I'm running the vanilla last x64 version of steam/KSP (1.1.3) on Windows 7 x64.


Do you have any idea of why it happened ?

How can I roll back to a stable version ? (my save folder is in dropbox, so I can roll back files)



Edited by blag
add the files / know data
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