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LY-10 gear does not default to vertical ? contributes to wheel bugs

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Noticed this while tinkering today, when mounting the LY-10 in editor it is not defaulting to a vertical position - it appears to be 'pitched up' 5 degrees. Since I've noticed that the 1.1 wheel bugs afflicted the LY-10 worse than it's big brother the LY-35, and following on from a discussion of wheel collider rays @Arsonide, I wonder if the LY-10's collider is also pitched back due to this, and that makes this wheel more susceptible to these problems.

I realise that 1.2 may solve these problems regardless, but this looks to me like it could be a minor dev error when orienting the wheel model that could be having far-reaching repercussions.



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7 hours ago, pincushionman said:

The real question is "which way is the wheel-down vector?" It may not align with the strut.

Yes, this is why I linked Arsonide in, since he seemed to know something about it :rolleyes:. But even if this does not contribute to bug issues I think the misorientation is a (admittedly minor) defect in its own right. Looked at carefully it's clear the whole gear is sloping backwards when mounted 'flush'. I know it's super-picky to point out, but there are good reasons why aircraft undercarriage suspension struts are supposed to be vertical when fully deployed.

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