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Speed, Altitude, Acceleration Metrics for Science

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Would it be feasible or enjoyable to offer science points ny getting vehicles and specific sensors above certain speeds, accelerations?  Right now we just do altitudes and locations.  I imagine something like "Get a Mk1 probe above 900m/s below an altitude of 5000 meters." or "Test a TR-18 stack decoupler while above an acceleration of 6G.".  This would go along with making tech about ten times more expensive to acquire and providing many more novel ways to build up science points

When we recover a vehicle we could get science points for "recovery of a vehicle that exceed (N speed or dynamic pressure) or (N acceleration)".

I edited this post because originally I referred to contracts as well as science.  A reply correctly stated that we already have speed as part of contracting.  My goal is to add speed and acceleration to science points.


Edited by Jonfliesgoats
spelling, autocorrect issues, clarity
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