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Multiplayer might not be for everybody, but I for one would love the devs to spend time on it.

A friend and I played KSP with DMP a few months ago with the goal of setting up ISRU on Minmus. He built the orbital base and the drill platform, while I built the surface fuel truck and the surface-to-orbit fuel transport lander. Sure, a lot of the time we were both doing our own thing, designing our respective crafts in the VAB, but it was fun to agree on what overall strategy to use, common interface specs, and how much fuel throughput to design for.

I guess some people are just more social than others :wink: No offense intended.

With comm sats, there's yet another reason for multiplayer. You can have different people building surface exploration and science gathering vehicles, fuel depots, mobile processing labs, communication satellites, space tugs, and on and on.

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IMO multiplayer for KSP is not worth the dev time. I'm no one to tell what's worth dev time and what's not, but if it's going to work similarly to DMP then I'm not interested.

There are simply too many things in the way. Time paradoxes, the together alone feel to it and terrain detail settings.

Edited by Veeltch
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I'm not a multiplayer type personally,  but I can see the appeal for it.  So I for one would be happy to see it as a stock option, which as squad have said, is on the list of stuff to come.

It is very easy to look at DMP (I haven't) and say 'well they can do it so it can't be that hard', but that's not the point.

 Squad want to do it in the best way they feel they can, that will take them time to work out what that is, try it, start again,  rinse and repeat until they get a solution they are happy with.  They also MUST ensure it plays nice with the existing code it us integrated with, which is not such an issue for mods

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9 hours ago, Veeltch said:

IMO multiplayer for KSP is not worth the dev time. I'm no one to tell what's worth dev time and what's not, but if it's going to work similarly to DMP then I'm not interested.

There are simply too many things in the way. Time paradoxes, the together alone feel to it and terrain detail settings.

 DMP handles the time issues very well actually. The only problems I had with DMP was docking with another player. If that issue itself is repaired, Then DMP would be good enough. However, I'm sure squad will do a much better job over-all as it's their baby, if/when multiplayer is implemented.

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9 hours ago, Veeltch said:

IMO multiplayer for KSP is not worth the dev time. I'm no one to tell what's worth dev time and what's not, but if it's going to work similarly to DMP then I'm not interested.

There are simply too many things in the way. Time paradoxes, the together alone feel to it and terrain detail settings.

 DMP handles the time issues very well actually. The only problems I had with DMP was docking with another player. If that issue itself is repaired, Then DMP would be good enough. However, I'm sure squad will do a much better job over-all as it's their baby, if/when multiplayer is implemented.

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Slightly off topic perhaps but in the short term rather than full multi player I would be happy with a way to sync things like "world first" achievements between groups of friends so that I can compare their progress through the game to my own.

Perhaps a sort of cloud save option (such as steam uses) for things such as this could be added between consenting groups of friends so that when one person breaks a record or lands on a planetary body their time for that achievement could be viewed alongside your own in the R&D building archives. 

Maybe even a sort vaguely of co-op game mode could be offered where friends have one persistence file shared between them via cloud save. This would enable them to build space stations/bases etc. together whilst not actually playing in multi player directly. it could even be a toggle-able option along the lines of a  "Sync this craft" flag applied to individual ships so that you don't clutter up each others game. 

I would also like the ability to issue contracts between friends offering payment upon completion by removing funds from my game and adding it to theirs but perhaps this is a bit more complicated and straying even further off topic so I'll end my post here.

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