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0.16 Easter Eggs


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On the menu screen I regularly see something (either a kerbal or just a helmet) come flying in from the right side of the screen way in the background, bounce off the Mun, and go flying back out on the left side.

Yeah. I think most people have seen that helmet go by. I remember once seeing it in orbit.

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I wonder if there\'s been unique things placed about Minmus, I know there\'s Munoliths but is there an equivalent of Mun arches on Minmus?

Ima check about and see.

Friend of mine who i got to get this says he found a cave on it next to one of the lakes>

When i asked him why no screen shot he said he didnt know you could.

I do believe him he aint the type to BS and caves do tend to be by the sea side. I have been looking nothign so far and i still have lot to explore. am looking for rover mod so i can look faster

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I bet you that actually exists in the game. Sadly, it\'ll take a smarter person than me to figure out where it is.

Judging by the position of kerbin it is either near the pole or close to the farside of the Mun and judging by the large mountain in the backround it is probably near the poles

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Judging by the position of kerbin it is either near the pole or close to the farside of the Mun and judging by the large mountain in the backround it is probably near the poles

With the angle of Kerbin and it\'s \'verticle\' orientation, with the shadow of the sun, is that scene even possible in the game? In other words, is this an in-game shot we can use to determine the approximate location of the Muncastle or is it a bogus scene set up by the dev\'s for screenshot purposes?

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With the angle of Kerbin and it\'s \'verticle\' orientation, with the shadow of the sun, is that scene even possible in the game? In other words, is this an in-game shot we can use to determine the approximate location of the Muncastle or is it a bogus scene set up by the dev\'s for screenshot purposes?

Kerbin seems to take 6 minutes to rotate. So it seems unlikely that it\'s real.

Does anyone know what 'Rock00 32' means in the debug console (Just thought that it might have something to do with the moon rocks)?

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to find my regolithcastle ;P

I\'m going to add more menu scenes when I get the time, with their own easter eggs too.

Does the Regolith castle actually exist in-game somewhere?

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