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This is my first post in 3 years. I have just started playing again and oh boy has it changed! Career mode! Science mode! 

After looking back through my old posts apparently I was running mechjeb and protractor and something called Satmap! 

Now I have trouble getting a stock craft into orbit and am struggling to get mechjeb going.  It is different installing it on the current version and I am pretty sure it didn't come from curse.com back then.

Anyway if I do a few google searches for noob questions about mechjeb it gives the typical hits that are mostly 2 years old. If I search in here OMG the results are ridiculously advanced answers.  A quick look into Addons was terrifying as well.  Anybody tell me how and where to search for such foolish questions.

Sorry for the long winded hullo.

I am back.

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Hello Henno and welcome back!

Each add-on has it's own thread and usually the OP has a link to installation instructions.  Here is a link to the MechJeb thread.

Make sure you're grabbing the right version of MJ for your version of KSP.

We do have rather a lot of ridiculously advanced answers around here.  Glad to have you back aboard.

Happy landings!

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Hey thanks for all that Starhawk.  I have had a look at that thread and it is now closed. What I did glean from it though is I need a part on my rocket called AR202 which lives in the Control section. I don't have that part so have definitely not installed correctly.

I need to ask further embarrassing noob questions and no doubt I will get told to do a search by the fun police.  I am running version 1.1.3 of KSP and Mechjeb

Where should I continue my quest for Mechjeb installation for a moron?  Just a vague question thread in Addons amongst all the nerdy Einstein like conversations?

Henno in a muddle.



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Hi henno,

have you considered CKAN, for your modding needs? It can list all compatible mods with the version of ksp youre using and install/ uninstall them for you, Plus recommend others :) just add few at a time and check all is well.

I used to have 2 modded 1.1.3 installs, which i deleted yesterday as 1.2 is going to be SOOOO much bettererer.!



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  On 9/29/2016 at 6:24 AM, Henno said:

Hey thanks for all that Starhawk.  I have had a look at that thread and it is now closed. What I did glean from it though is I need a part on my rocket called AR202 which lives in the Control section. I don't have that part so have definitely not installed correctly.

I need to ask further embarrassing noob questions and no doubt I will get told to do a search by the fun police.  I am running version 1.1.3 of KSP and Mechjeb

Where should I continue my quest for Mechjeb installation for a moron?  Just a vague question thread in Addons amongst all the nerdy Einstein like conversations?

Henno in a muddle.


thread is up-to-date but just locked cause ppl keep asking for an update to the prerelease.

The latest stable version can be found here,

or even later the dev-builds:

about Install: there is nothing bout to unzip the folder in ur /gamedata as every other mod
for the part:

title = MechJeb 2 (AR202 case)

not sure if its in right category, but u can use the searchbar:
tags: command control autopilot

Edited by Speadge
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  On 9/29/2016 at 6:24 AM, Henno said:

Where should I continue my quest for Mechjeb installation for a moron?  Just a vague question thread in Addons amongst all the nerdy Einstein like conversations?

Henno in a muddle


Hey we were all newbies once.

To install MechJeb, you need to open the zip, and copy the MechJeb2 folder to a specific place on your system.

Within your KSP install there is a folder called GameData.  Put the MechJeb2 folder in there.

That's all there is to it.  Now just run the game.

Happy landings!

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