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"But this has already been done before" I hear you say!

Well there's a catch:

You have to use the SMALLEST craft you can make and get there (and back) as fast as possible.



  1. Spoiler


    1. No cheats. (IE Infinite fuel, hack gravity, ignore max temp, ect)
    2. No CFG editing/Save Editing
    3. No HyperEdit
    4. No MechJeb (except for informational readouts only)
    5. No parts mods*
    6. No TweakScale
    7. You MUST take a screenshot of the F3 menu to be eligible for this challenge
    8. You must also take a screenshot of your craft stats from the Engineer Report BEFORE launching your craft
    9. Spoiler
      • Screenshot THIS
    10. Try to keep your Kerbals ALIVE


What does "smallest" mean?



It means smallest in:





How will you be scored??



Everything previously discussed will factor into your score.
The larger your ship, the lesser your points.
For each metric ton (1,000kg) , you get docked 100 points
For each part you get docked 10 points
For each meter (HWL) you get docked 10 points

"Wow, how unfair. Not doing this", I hear you complain.
But worry not! Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!!

Time taken to get there AND back are two separate scores, and each score combined will give you your final score!
For example, if it takes you 1 in-game minutes to get to the Mun you'd get 1,200 points
and if it takes you 1 minutes you'll be docked 400 points.
Each Kerbal you return, ALIVE, gives you 100 points
Meanwhile each Kerbal DEAD docks you 100.

BUT: for each minute over 5 minutes it takes you to get there, you loose 300 points.

It works like this:
For each second to the Mun, you're awarded 20 points, ie 60 seconds = 1,200 points
For each 30 seconds back, you loose 200 points.

How does it all work?


So, if it takes you 17 in-game minutes, you'll get 16,800 (20,400 - 3,600)
But it takes you 12 minutes to get back you'll get -4,800.
Making your overall score 12,000 for getting there and back.
BUT your craft weighed 2 metric tons (I think that's how it's weighed in-game?), was 170 parts.
Its Height was 10m
Its Width was 2 meters
and Its length was 5 meters
You'd be docked 2,580 points
But you brought back 7 kerbals while 3 died.
Making your total score: 12,120 points
(psst, bonus 1,000 points if you land back at the KSC. Bonus 4,000 points if you land back on the LAUNCHPAD)

I did not think about how much math would come into play when I decided to make this challenge... ugh;.;



  1. .
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  9. .

I'll put my submission up soon! (maybe... lol :wink:)

Allowed mods:


Kerbal Engineer
Any other informational/data mods
Any visuals mods
*Ven's Stock ReVamp is allowed
*Procedural Parts are allowed

Remember to take a SCREENSHOT(F1) of the FLIGHT RESULTS(F3) menu before launch(in the VAB/SPH), when reaching the Mun, and when landing.

Edited by stickman939
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