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Xbox One Save Game Wipe After v.1180 patch


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*Keeping this question active!*

After updating to the Xbox One patch v x.x.x.1180 patch, I followed the save conversion instructions & deleted the local copies (required by the game), and now my save list is blank. 

I noticed that even after a complete uninstall and reinstall that the game won't pull (sync) my saves from the Xbox Cloud. 

Anyone else have anything to add?



XboxLive: Floby


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same happened to me.this is a joke 3months waiting for a patch and the only thing they've fixed is the saves (not) there's only so many times you can say "i really love the game"

this game should never of been released especially at the price it was

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as some other posters figured out and reported before the patch took effect a solid workaround was to have the least amount of save game files at a time. I was using only one or two at a time while keeping my ship design saves limited as well and this was working great until the patch wiped those saves clean.hours and hours and hours gone as you all know. i'm suspecting FT knew that was going to happen. 2 and half months working on this patch and they didn't see this coming??? anyway i started a new game last night and will continue to use this tactic and see how it goes. i'll let you know if i lose any save files so far no.

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i'm just as hesitant and frustrated as the rest of you. i'm worried about losing all progress again in a similar fashion when 2.1 drops. I can't even remember now how many times ive restarted from scratch. luckily i have the patience of a stone and a fascination for space flight and exploration otherwise I would have demanded a refund and fyi I've heard that MS allows one refund per year. so far tonight no crashes and no save wipes but VAB is having some issues. first it was extremely laggy as far as moving your cursor around and wouldn't always register that i was trying to click on a part then suddenly the lag went away. second even though i upgraded the VAB its still acting like i have a 30 part limit and so i have to move things off to the side in order to keep building. very annoying. pre patch i noticed the SPH was doing this but i barely got into building any planes so i didn't care.

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8 hours ago, mikey117 said:

yep exact same issue , can someone who has started a new game let us know if their game is progressing ok now?

would like some peace of mind before starting a new career ,thanks.

No problems so far. I would say go for it. At least as far as I am concerned, it seems that they have fixed the game breaking save issue on Xbox One. I started a new career, have some probes out and a couple vessels on the Mun and Minmus collecting science with no real issues, other than ones that are already known and not game breaking. 

I mean really, losing hours of progress was the real game breaker for me. It stopped me from progressing and so I quit playing. After the patch, I started a new career and am actually enjoying the game again. It seems so much easier this time around having learned so much and made so many mistakes the first time. Now that the game is actually playable, I will be playing again regularly. 

I can't help but feel bad for the PS4 users though. They are still waiting, knowing that Xbox and most PC users are able to play KSP. Hopefully the PS4 patch comes soon so we can get hyped about 1.2. 

Edited by chimpbone
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hey guys

I just posted a copy of this in the Original patch thread, but since some of you wanted to use this thread, it might be relevant here too.

So here it is.


Have anyone tried my "how to corrupt the game in 5 minuttes" yet?

I'm not wasting more time on this until its confirmed a fix, so if anyone starting a New career wanna try, please do.


What i did was, as I've said before-  Start New career (maybe give some Researchpoints so you can easily build larger ships from start for this test!)

Unlock some parts!

Now make a Savefile in KSC.

Og into build mode, make a Large Craft With 300 parts. Save it!

Now rename it several times With a New name.

When I first did this test, more then 2 months ago, I renamed and made about 30 Versions of the ship, tho, KSP only kept 8 of em. Any saves of any kind, made after this point would fail.

Make a New Savefile in KSC, this would normaly fail (be lost)

Now restart the game & hope for the best! Are they all there?


Also, as I have also said earlier, theres no need too launch the Ships into Space Or Kerbin. Having the files in the "folder" seemed too do the job.

Before I'd start a New KSP career, I would check this out for sure.

Atleast you'd be sure

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