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Will anything happen if I 5 star my tourists?

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I don't know whether this should go here, but it seemed like the best place.

So yesterday in 1.2 prerelease I completed a contract to take 2 tourists to orbit (and land them back on Kerbin). I got my money and was happy. Later I was preparing to launch a rocket-plane to rescue some stranded Kerbonauts, so I went to the crew tab to make sure my crew cabin would be available to the waiting Kerbonauts. I fou nd that the tourists hadn't left, they wanted to go again. :huh: I figured that I had probably done something weird when launching them the first time and perhaps launching them again (my rocket-plane launches aren't very expensive, and I had a lot of kerbucks in the bank) would fix it. I launched them to orbit and brought them back. Once again they were still in the available crew. :confused:


This is probably a bug but I'm not even going to complain :D

Does anyone know if something happens when a tourist gets 5 stars of EXP? (Does it mean I've given them an experience worthy of a :rep::rep::rep::rep::rep: rating? lol :D


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11 hours ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

This is probably a bug but I'm not even going to complain :D

Does anyone know if something happens when a tourist gets 5 stars of EXP?

They take really good photographs?  Yeah, if you've fully completed their contracts and they're still available, that sounds like a bug to me.

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