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  1. Welcome To Kerbal Academy's Developement Thread (Marketing) Kerbal Academy is a contract pack consisting of training mission scenarios for educating your Kerbals. These missions are intended to provide in-field training experience to kerbonauts, advancing their skills for use on future missions. Each Kerbal Academy contract awards the trainee being trained experience when a specified mission task is completed. Are you tired of your Kerbals not being able to reach the highest levels without planting a flag on Duna? Ever wondered how planting a flag on Minmus shows your engineers how to fix wheels? Enroll your Kerbonauts in the Kerbal Academy today! We provide logical and simpler Kerbal experience progression contracts for a better training experience! (Kerbal Academy is NOT liable for any injuries or rapid unplanned disassembles during missions)\ [Kerbal Academy's Github And Wiki] General Super Detailed Future Plans; This "Roadmap/ Changelog Is Pulled From The Github, If You Want More Upto Date News & Info Use That. =) Less colorful tho. [Roadmap On Github] Info/Key; (1.3) This is planned for 1.3 but not necessarily going to happen (1.3) This is in testing for 1.3 (1.3) This is ready for 1.3 (1.3) Planned And Required For 1.3 Release (TBD) Planned Feature But Not Currently Worked On Bug-fixing for spelling/grammar errors reported in v1.2.x (1.3) Re-balance Contract Pricing (1.3) Contract pricing will now be generated on new factors such as next kerbal hire cost, contract difficulty and possible experience gained. Add updated logos (1.3) Working on a new flag a logo to replace the older one. Old flag will live on as Legacy Add mission patches (1.3) Mission patch for engineer training Mission patch for pilot training Mission patch for scientist training Kerbalize contract descriptions (1.3) Just want to make the contract descriptions a bit more kerbal and in universe sorta All will improve and add notes to contracts for less confusion Split up all contracts into profession specific ones. This will lead to more contracts and file size, but user friendly-ness will be worth it. (1.3) New mission profiles for Pilot training (1.3) New mission profiles for Engineer training (1.3) New mission profiles for Scientist training (1.3) Design "Stock" Crafts For Use In Contracts (1.3) Light Trainer Aircraft (1.3) For use in pilot bootcamp Mini Science Ground Station (1.3) For use in scientist bootcamp Various Lander Probes (1.3) For use in certain engineer contracts Drill Outpost (1.3) For use in intermediate engineer drill training New Docking/ Rendezvous mission profiles for Pilot training (TBD) No further information at this time Create New Function For CC To Add Kerbals To Roster (TBD) This would be used to make the bootcamp contracts a bit less weird Continue Apologizing For 1.2 (1.3) Licensing Kerbal Academy 1.1.9+ licensed under MIT @Mark Kerbin Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 & prior versions licensed under MIT @severedsolo Acknowlegments "Continued" (But not actually) by @Mark Kerbin with permission from @severedsolo @nightingale as ever for his tireless work on Contract Configurator (you rock!) @severedsolo For the original Kerbal Academy pack, and a good bit of this forum page @severedsolo 's wife for creating the original Kerbal Academy flag.
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