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Wheels, Girders Earlier in the Tech Tree

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I'd like to move wheels and most girders/nodes to near the first couple levels of the tech. tree.  This allows for more broad experience in collecting science and is a little more realistic.  Using a juno as an APU to power a simple rover around KSC should not be a development that comes after landing research labs on the Mun.  Thoughts?

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1 minute ago, Veeltch said:

WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YESSSS"? Think about the new players! They will have no idea what to do after such drastic change!

They will see this structural part right from the get-go and go all 'OH LORD WHAT TO DO WITH THIS?'!!


@Jonfliesgoats you seem new here, so I feel I should point to you that @Veeltch there is being sarcastic (which is kinda his thing :wink:). We (and others) have been advocating for a complete rewrite from scratch of this abomination called a techtree for quite some time.

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15 minutes ago, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

Move the LY-10 and Wheesley (and associated parts in its node) to Aviation, and put the T1 plane parts in the Start node. Logically, we had planes before rockets, and so should the Kerbals! Right?

Actually rockets were invented hundreds of years before aeroplanes.

I'd still like to be able to build a tigermoth-alike before going into space though.


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Maybe isntead of discussing what was first in human history, we could all agree that having multiple, clearly separated and themed branches would be the best thing? That way anyone could start the tree however they wanted. If it starts with either rockets manned, rockets unmanned or jet-powered contraptions or even rovers first should be up to the player.

Edited by Veeltch
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14 hours ago, Veeltch said:

Naaaaah. The tree is fine as it is. No need to change that.


4 hours ago, Veeltch said:

Maybe isntead of discussing what was first in human history, we could all agree that having multiple, clearly separated and themed branches would be the best thing? That way anyone could start the tree however they wanted. If it starts with either rockets manned, rockets unmanned or jet-powered contraptions or even rovers first should be up to the player.

Caught in your hypocrisy at last! :wink:

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