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K-35 development program (or, How it All Went Sideways)

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From the GAP (Give Aircraft a Purpose) contract pack:

GAP contract: Speed 100
(or, How it started out so well)

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Craft: K-35-100 Flounder (KerbalX link)


  • Stage to ignite lower engine, which has plenty of power for takeoff and supercruise, and is probably the safest and most efficient way to fly the plane.
  • Stage again to ignite the upper engine and fly it the Kerbal way.
  • Conventional landings are possible, but dangerous.  Due to the high thrust of the engines, they must be completely throttled down before enough airspeed can be bled off to safely touch the ground.  And then the plane tends to do donuts on its wheels before coming to rest.

Facilities: Level 1

Crew: Pilot Kerman is recommended for SAS.

Mass 7.66t

Cost 12,322.0

No. of Stages 3

Crew Capacity 1

Part Count 16

Built in KSP 1.1.3
Size 8.99 x 3.88 x 9.06


Edit: I really wish there was a way to resize images in this editor.

Edited by Torquimedes
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GAP contract: Build and test a submarine!
(or, How it began to go sideways)

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Craft: The K-35-300 Flounder Plubmarane (KerbalX link)


Submerged Operation:

  1. Throttle to zero, engage SAS
  2. Taxi very carefully down to the beach.
  3. Roll very slowly into the surf before throttling up.
  4. Skim the waves at moderate speed before pitching down.
  5. Try to stay level for maximum pitch authority to remain submerged.

Flight Operation:

  1. Oh boy...
  2. Engage SAS.  Make doublesure SAS is engaged.
  3. Throttle full and stage.
  4. Pull up around 50 m/s, carefully to avoid overstressing the aft gear.
  5. Do not try to turn with rudder controls.  The rudder is nearly useless in the air, but the torque can spin it right round (baby) in flight and then it will fall like a brick.
  6. Do not attempt to land on the wheels, use the chute.



Crew: Any Kerman.  There is a probe core inside the passenger compartment of this model.

Mass 10.85t

Cost 17,021.0

Crew 1

Passengers 2

Part Count 24

Built in KSP 1.1.3
Size 4.99 x 2.69 x 8.0

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GAP contract: Barnstorm Jeb's Shed!
(or, How it ONLY goes sideways because it now struggles with up or down)

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Craft: K-35-400 Flounder Plubmoverane (KerbalX link)

This is actually the safest VSTOL I've built in KSP, since it can't build up enough speed to break itself as long as you stay mostly level and yaw into prograde when it (often) bounces off the ground.

VSTOL operation:

  1. Engage SAS decisively, and do your best to keep the hover engine pointed down.
  2. Do not hold the brakes and attempt a vertical takeoff.  This model Flounder needs some forward speed to gulp enough air to feed the aft engines, even at their low throttle limit, while the hover engine runs at full throttle.
  3. Do not panic if the aft engines flame out during takeoff, or flight, or landing, or whenever you slow or turn.  They provide slight forward thrust to give a general sense of direction to your endeavor, and put some airflow over your fins.
  4. Due to the ungainly posture of the landing gear to clear the hover engine, this Flounder is likely to tip over during a conventional landing.  The parachute is recommended.

Maritime operation:

  1. In the hangar, set the thrust limiter of the hover engine to 0 and the aft engines to 100.  Fill the oxidizer tanks as ballast.
  2. The Flounder can fly in this confiiguration, but you really don’t want to.
  3. Carefully taxi down to the water and very slowly roll in.
  4. Scoot across the surface to at least 20 m/s.
  5. Gently descend and stay as level as possible to maintain pitch control.

Crew: Pilot Kerman.

Mass 10.15t

Cost 18,374.0

Crew 1

Passengers 2

Part Count 27

Built in KSP 1.1.3

Size 4.99 x 2.79 x 7.96

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GAP contract: Deploy navigation buoys
(or, When bits started falling off)


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Craft: K-35-500 Flounder Plubmoverane (KerbalX link)


(Not rated for maritime operation.)
Flight Operation:

  1. Engage SAS.
  2. Throttle full and stage.
  3. The K-35-500 should float off the runway about 50m/s.  Max level speed is 160m/s.
  4. Gentle turns with the rudder are recommended.  This model has a more effective rudder.
  5. Never forget that the hover engine is your lift, so don’t bank too far.
  6. Stage to drop a “nav bouy” that can transmit barometer readings. Stage again to drop the second bouy.
  7. To land, on final approach throttle down to 1/3 to reduce the hover lift, and hope SAS can overpower its tendency to tip over after touching down.  Or just use the chute.

Mass 10.62t

Cost 27,629.0

Crew: Any Kerman.  There is a probe core inside the passenger compartment of this model.

Passengers 3

Part Count 41

Built in KSP 1.1.3

Size 5.08 x 2.72 x 7.96

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GAP contract: Give an airplane ride
(or, The prototype we actually used more than once)

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CraftAforementioned K-35-400 Flounder Plubmoverane (KerbalX link)

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GAP contract: Build a seaplane
GAP contract: Submarine tour
(or, It now does everything! (Just barely.) )


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CraftK-35-613 Flounder Plubmoverane (KerbalX link)

Crew: Any Kerman.

Mass 14.38t

Cost 18,794.0

Crew 1

Passengers 7

Part Count 32

Built in KSP 1.1.3

Size 6.23 x 3.05 x 9.83

Flight Operation:

  1. Engage SAS, throttle full, and stage to begin rolling.
  2. At about 60 knots, try to raise the nose, and if you manage to get all the wheels off the gound, immediately level off and try to slowly climb away from the ground.
  3. DON’T PANIC if you fail to miss the ground, you may bounce a few times before you run out of runway and it becomes easier to miss.
  4. Turning with the rudder is recommended, since this model needs ALL its hover thrust to keep from falling out of the air.  Try to avoid banking.
  5. Conventional landings are preferred, since the chute is inadequate to fully cushion the landing.  Throttle back to 2/3 and adjust speed with pitch until you touch down, then apply brakes.  This model has less tendency to tip over while landing.

Maritime Operation:

  1. Set thrust limiter on hover engine to 0.  Set thrust limiters on aft engines to 100.
  2. Taxi... carefully... down into the water.
  3. Throttle up and skim across the surface to about 30m/s then pitch down to submerge.
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