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Disabling mods temporarily


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Apologies is this is a well known thing, but, I am curious if it is possible to somehow temporarily disables mods (as opposed to removing them entirely). I'd like to remove them so I can play KSP without having to wait for all the mods I have installed to be updated. Is there a simple way to do this?

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Not really. The easiest thing to do is create 2 versions of the game (I assume your playing on Steam?)

Select your original root game folder with all the mods installed (outdated and updated) that you don't want to play due to the out dated mods.

Copy that entire game folder "KSP_win" (or whatever you have it named) and paste it in your current folder. "Ksp_win-copy"

Delete all the folders in the Mods directory except "Squad" and start a NEW game playing using the KSP.exe in THIS folder. (Your saves will probably NOT work.)


IF your not on Steam, just download the 1.2 from KSP site and again Create a second version of the game. (Do NOT overwrite your first version) (ie name its folder "KSP Unmoded") and play using its KSP.exe


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