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Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?

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Hi again!

Can I get a flight to the Minmus Kronos base please?

also, is it alright that the object I want to land is a stock shed? (I have other landers if not)


I don't know how long it takes to get through the list but I cant fly next week, but as long as I come after next week that's fine.

should be fine, it will be close =>

Please head back to the first post and chose one of the bases to land at, or you can download the current file and look them over before choosing when you have chosen please post and request a flight!.

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Hello! I would like to request a flight slot to the Mun, if you don't mind.

Which base would you like?

Credge - Currently booked to 3 ships

Mote base - Currently booked to 10 ships

Note: those numbers are the ships at those bases, not the wait, either will have the same wait.

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Has Kronos on minmus got a free slot? It would be easier to land my leasure center there.

sorry if I am a pain but if I dont post again with a go-ahead before my 48 hour slot then I am probably still away. Bump me down the list if you need to.

I will try to update on my situation from my location

(+Thanks for listing me)

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Has Kronos on minmus got a free slot? It would be easier to land my leasure center there.

sorry if I am a pain but if I dont post again with a go-ahead before my 48 hour slot then I am probably still away. Bump me down the list if you need to.

I will try to update on my situation from my location

(+Thanks for listing me)

Booked for a slot on Kronos...

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Hey all, with a few new flyers coming in, just a reminder on rule 3.. It keeps the base moving a lot faster for all =>

3. After completing your turn, you must send a message to the next person on the list, this is to reduce the delay between turns.

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Hey all, with a few new flyers coming in, just a reminder on rule 3.. It keeps the base moving a lot faster for all =>

3. After completing your turn, you must send a message to the next person on the list, this is to reduce the delay between turns.

I did send a message to ApoIIo, with the download link, but he hasnt been on the forums since the 3rd. It's not looking so good for a flight from him at this point. With that being said, please sign me up for a flight to whatever second base eventually gets set up on minmus, or set one up myself.

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Not sure what happened, you had me on the list for Kronos base (my fourth flight), but somehow that flight got moved into the "completed" flights section without actually flying it. It's the flight Kronos(4).

Fixed! I put it in the wrong list!

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Seeing, as I'm already set for Minmus, could I set up a new base there?

I can move you to the bottom of the list as there is currently a new base spot, but it would be unfair for all those else who booked to give a new base to someone else on the list.. unless everyone agrees :)

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I can move you to the bottom of the list as there is currently a new base spot, but it would be unfair for all those else who booked to give a new base to someone else on the list.. unless everyone agrees :)

Alright. Keep me headed to Kronos then.

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And Touchdown! Altair has landed! The landing was a major pain in the hind quarters due to my PC deciding that KSP would be a better powerpoint than a game. When I did eventually touch down I was about 300m off target but it still wouldn't let me do much without surmountable lag. One restart later I finally was able to move my lander into it's intended landing zone and did a few eva's.

I did get to see the Mun rise though which was pretty awesome!

Is that the Mun?



Yup that has to be the Mun!


greeting another lander, while his fellow crew mates watch in the distance


The nearby Base!


New persistence: http://www./?d5qhxf3r123731e

khyron42 it's your Turn!

Edited by GOOMH
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I'm working all night tonight, but it'll be slow work. I'll install KSP and the latest save on a PC at work, fly my flight, and post it in the morning!


The OSIRIS (Octagonally Symmetrical The Rest Isn't An Acronym Just Sounded Cool) has joined Credge base.

The launch configuration:


TMI Burn:


I parked in munar orbit and wait until Credge base was in sunlight, then dropped into a landing trajectory. Braking burn as I approach the site:


Hovering near landing, using the RCS translate to fine-tune the landing location:


While the rest of the crew finishes post-flight checklists, Nedson greets the new neighbors:


Full gallery - 15 images

Updated zipped persistence file

Nutt007, it's your turn!

Sign me up for another turn, to the second Minmus base. (DArkB0mb3rz22, I swear I'm not stalking you - just like the same places.)

Edited by khyron42
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