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Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?

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I decided I'd have a go. Sign me up for a flight to Credge before it gets too crowded. I thought I'd try to get a big Mun base module in there. While I'm waiting for my turn, I need to practice Minmus flights.

[EDIT] Anyone have anything against using the old engineer plugin to figure out how much my craft weighs? I don't like calculating it manually part by part. Just a reminder, it doesn't actually show the thrust of the new engines so the only thing it'd be showing me is the weight of the craft and I'd have to figure out the T/W ration of my craft manually anyway.

Edited by heikkik
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[EDIT] Anyone have anything against using the old engineer plugin to figure out how much my craft weighs? I don't like calculating it manually part by part. Just a reminder, it doesn't actually show the thrust of the new engines so the only thing it'd be showing me is the weight of the craft and I'd have to figure out the T/W ration of my craft manually anyway.

Take it off before launch, you should be fine.

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I decided I'd have a go. Sign me up for a flight to Credge before it gets too crowded. I thought I'd try to get a big Mun base module in there. While I'm waiting for my turn, I need to practice Minmus flights.


Sign me in as well! I'll have to get a good aircraft up there!

Which base where are you planing to go to?

Could you guys bump me down to the bottom of the list? I'm going to New York with my grandma for a while, and then the day after I come home school starts, so I will be too busy and away from my computer for a bit.

done! Thanks for the heads up!

Edited by sjwt
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One of the craft, the Big Lander Go Mun, has crewmodule mod!

EDIT: the save I downloaded from someone is messed up!

Send me the save. I can just edit it out.

Who sent you the save?

EDIT: Pelican you aren't even on the flight list.

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Alright, I'm down, with the Z-6 and the Stilt-1

Both pilots left their craft to converse under a K2-STK.

Both trips were uneventful.













Sign me up for a flight, again to Zokesia mote....

(Heres a pic of the base in the right hand side of the pic)


ChronicSilence, youre up!

Here's the Persist, sorry I couldn't get it up there before.....


Edited by zekes
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Sorry to be a pain but I have just discovered a major issue! When I downloaded 0.16, the tri-coupler caused the game to crash when loading so I simply took it out of the game and never thought of it until now. Many of the craft will not load because of the tri-coupler. I have tried re-downloading the part but it still causes an issue, most likely to do with the windows 8 prieview my pc is running.

I suggest moving on, sorry about that.

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What happened to this? DArkB0mb3rz22 seem to not have been active for a while now, i think it's time to skip to the next person. Also, how come this post has been inactive for such a long time? Aren't people interested in it anymore?

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