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Everything posted by heikkik

  1. I just noticed that the Almaz solar arrays are hogging all my fps. I put on 2 arrays in the VAB and my FPS goes down from 110 to 40-50. add another set and it goes down to 20-25. What's up with these parts? I love the look of them but I can't use them if they just ruin the gameplay for me. :/ I got an i5 4670k @stock and a GTX 980 and KSP is installed on an SSD so no problems there.
  2. I'm really excited to see V5, although I still prefer the luminescent clouds on Laythe in Astronomer's pack. Gives it a bit of mystique. I've had a lot of trouble trying to combine that to your pack, with no success. Any tips?
  3. Oh yeah. So it might be because this is the older drive that I use to store my stuff on? It's NTFS. I installed Ubuntu on my SSD, where Windows is installed, too. I'm moving it to the same drive later tonight. Need to take a break for now
  4. I can't change the Access in any of the fields. I've tried using chown -R and -hR on the folder, even as root from the console... I just can't change the access or anything When I do everything as Voidi instructed, I get permission denied even when trying to run ksp_installer as root. Oh and the image is of KSP.exe but it's the same for all the files, even ksp_installer
  5. @Seret If I'm the only user on this system and ubuntu doesn't have other users even. I have no idea how it can be owned by someone other than me. Except for the fact that it's not on the same drive as ubuntu. Don't know if that affects things. No it doesn't work for me @sploooshman well, before I managed to get the proprietary drivers, the screen wasn't actually properly refreshing. Was a bit of a pain to find out where I can get the drivers.
  6. Hi. A fresh Ubuntu user (Whoo!) here. Mainly installed it in dual boot to let KSP utilize more memory. I use a lot of mods. Not an IT expert here, so I'm a bit stuck now. I've gotten the ksp_installer but i just keep getting Permission denied when trying to run through console and "Unable to locate the program" When trying to run from file manager. What am I doing wrong? HALP! Have I just installed a whole operating system for nothing? KSP running out of memory was a problem back in 0.19 for me and since then I haven't played at all. Reinstalled some time ago and now it's got me back in. I might need some support in using Ubuntu in the first place, but that can stay outside the KSP forums. I'm just baffled why I cannot change settings by default.
  7. Hurr durr. Reading usually works, so I read the OP. I downloaded from Spaceport by default. *facepalm* So apparently I WASN'T using the latest version. Let's see if this works then!
  8. Hey. I'm using the X0.04-3-1 DEV build and all the parts seem to be missing the TechRequired and entryCost parameters from the .cfg files. I had the same issue with X0.04-3, but didn't have time to report as the new version came out. I'm just editing the .cfg files on my end so I can use the parts. Did I break something or was it a faulty download?
  9. Oh, wow. Tbh, I always wondered the same about the B9 parts, and I just never used the crew tanks because of it. This might be the thing that gets me into spaceplanes. Instead of sending yet another 3-man crew in a pod up to the station and having one fly it back just seems so wasteful! Downloaded the extra seats for the cockpit already and I'm gonna give it a try later
  10. Well, using SCANsat has led me to a new discovery! It's just a small easter egg south of KSC. Well, I guess small isn't the right word here, but it's quite well hidden from sight when you normally play the game. I'm not sure if ISAmapsat actually had this level of detail, at least when it comes to in-game maps. I didn't actually care about the renders you could get outside all that much. Thanks for a great predecessor to mapsat. Couldn't play KSP properly without this finding out a good landing zone first.
  11. Well, I have to say I'm very impressed. Having been away from KSP for a long time, this is one of the things pulling me back in. The community mods have improved a ton. As usual, I screwed something up in the installation, but a quick browse through the topic and we're back on track. I didn't install the SCANsatRPM and MechJeb2RPM folders, because I installed RPM before I even knew about ALCOR. Well, I guess I have nothing else to say other than thanks for the mod and I'm looking forward to some more stuff from you (looking at the light globe and inline light)... Dangit. Now I need KAS as well. Dangit. I guess it's time to upgrade to 16GB of RAM...
  12. Well, there's that magical thing called action groups in the VAB and SPH. At the top of the screen there are two tabs; one says parts the other one says action groups. Go to the AG tab and select the parts you want to have extra control over. Then assign them to a group. These groups are linked to the number keys.
  13. So if I have a craft landed somewhere with the lights off and i fly there with a craft with lights on and switch modes, does the mode on both crafts change? This was a problem I had in the old version.
  14. @Mekan1k You could just remove the remotetech parameters from the part.cfg of each part.
  15. I was just merging remotetech probes with FAR.. probeCoreOcto2 wasn't in the config files Merging several mods that alter part configs is taking a time.. i've been trying to get a nice modpack together for days and only now am i'm starting to get a bit organized
  16. If you've noticed the stock 6-way node works the same way. As a modder, there's not much you can do to fix this. Since the node is symmetrical, I wouldn't worry about it too much
  17. I was just figuring out how to create a nice mission pack and ran into a bit of a problem. I can theoretically force the player to follow a certain mission path by adjusting the minimum balance and rewards. Then I realized they could just have another mission pack that gives rewards or simply start with a higher budget and the order in which I'd like my missions to be displayed would get messed up. For example, if I'd like the player to scan for Kethane first and then go mine a bit for research, if their current balance is high, they could end up with a mission to set up a mining base on the mun, without the introductions (lore) to the pack. Are you planning on adding completed missions as a filter for new missions?
  18. TV Aerospace doesn't replace the models of the parts so you're supposed to overwrite the part.cfg's (merge folders, copy and overwrite)
  19. That depends on your system. KSP uses 3Gb of RAM at max (i think) and if you don't have even that then you're better off playing stock. On my laptop KSP runs out of memory pretty fast and 300 would be pushing the limit. This is why I used to play with mods that had a low part count. Something like KW or NovaPunch was out of the question.
  20. Just here to point out that it'd be possible to crash the refuel ship and save the kerbal. Just set the craft barely on a collision course with the mun and have Jeb perform a burn to orbit with his eva pack. Problem solved.
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