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Particle Effect lose its world velocity at specific altitude.

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Hello, I'm developer of Dump & Burn. I'm tring to upgrade my mod to 1.2. But having some trouble.

When flown about 150~200m from the surface, The particle effect moves together with the ship. not like smoke trail.

However, if flown under the specific alt, it works right just like photo #2.

I'm attaching the code and the screenshot of unity. Need your help.





namespace sakyDST
    public class ModuleFueldump : PartModule
        [KSPField(guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = false, guiName = "Status", isPersistant = true)]
        string status;
        [KSPField(guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = false, guiFormat = "F1", guiName = "Fuel Amount", guiUnits = " ℓ", isPersistant = true)]
        double fuel;
        [KSPField(guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = true, guiFormat = "F1", guiName = "Nozzle Size", guiUnits = " cm²", isPersistant = true), UI_FloatRange(affectSymCounterparts = UI_Scene.Editor, controlEnabled = true, maxValue = 10f, minValue = 0.1f, scene = UI_Scene.Editor)]
        float nozzleSize;
        [KSPField(guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = false, guiFormat = "F0", guiName = "Tanks found", isPersistant = true)]
        int tanks;

        [KSPAction("Toggle Nozzle")]
        public void ActionToggle(KSPActionParam ap)
        [KSPAction("Open Nozzle")]
        public void ActionOpen(KSPActionParam ap)
            part.enabled = true;
        [KSPAction("Close Nozzle")]
        public void ActionClose(KSPActionParam ap)
            part.enabled = false;
        [KSPAction("Heat Up Nozzle")]
        public void ActionHeat(KSPActionParam ap)
            part.temperature = 500;
        [KSPEvent(active = true, externalToEVAOnly = false, guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = false, guiActiveUncommand = false, guiActiveUnfocused = false, name = "toggleNozzle", guiName = "Toggle Nozzle")]
        public void EventToggle()
            part.enabled = !part.enabled;

        KSPParticleEmitter smoke;
        KSPParticleEmitter flame;
        public void initializeFX()
            foreach (KSPParticleEmitter fx in part.FindModelComponents<KSPParticleEmitter>())
                if (fx.name == "emit") smoke = fx;
                if (fx.name == "burn") flame = fx;
            smoke.emit = false;
            flame.emit = false;

        public void CheckFx()
            int ignitionTemp = 400;
            if (part.enabled)
                if (part.temperature < ignitionTemp)
                    smoke.emit = true;
                    flame.emit = false;
                    smoke.emit = false;
                    flame.emit = true;
                smoke.emit = false;
                flame.emit = false;

        public void Update()

        public override void OnUpdate()


        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            nozzleSize = float.Parse(node.GetValue("nozzleSize"));
            part.enabled = false;

        public override void OnInitialize()
            part.enabled = false;


        public void statusDisplay()
            status = part.enabled ? "Opened" : "Closed";

        public void consumeFuel()
            if (part.temperature >= 400)
                status += " / T:" + part.temperature + "K";
            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                foreach (PartResource r in p.Resources)
                    if (r.resourceName == "LiquidFuel" && r.amount > 0)
                        r.amount -= nozzleSize / tanks * UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime;
                        if (r.amount < 0) r.amount = 0;

        public void EstimateFuel()
            double tmpfuel = 0;
            int tmptanks = 0;

            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                foreach (PartResource r in p.Resources)
                    if (r.resourceName == "LiquidFuel")
                        tmpfuel += r.amount;
            fuel = tmpfuel;
            tanks = tmptanks;
            if (fuel <= 0)
                status = "TANK EMPTY";
                part.enabled = false;


There's no altitude related code nor world, local settings.


The second problem is,

The part has autostruct/root part? option until it once enabled. After enabled, those menues disappear. Sometimes, the part disappears without any explosion, debrief(F3). Sometimes, it flys chasing me or just fly to other direction. And its not detached, so I can turn on, turn off the nozzle while its flying. I don't know whats going on. Help me. Please...

Edited by rkfnql322
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2 hours ago, rkfnql322 said:

When flown about 150~200m from the surface, The particle effect moves together with the ship. not like smoke trail.

You need to register your emitter with EffectBehaviour.AddParticleEmitter( emitter)  (and unregister when the part is destroyed so RemoveParticleEmitter in the module OnDestroy) to have the particle offset handled when FloatingOrigin starts.

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12 minutes ago, sarbian said:

You need to register your emitter with EffectBehaviour.AddParticleEmitter( emitter)  (and unregister when the part is destroyed so RemoveParticleEmitter in the module OnDestroy) to have the particle offset handled when FloatingOrigin starts.

holy magic. You just ended my problem in 1 sentence. Now we can update the mod. amazing. thanks. thanks^10000.

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