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The Duna Empire (Mods)

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The great Red Empire shall rise!


Welcome to the Duna Empire challenge!

The queen of the city-nation of Redna is planning a great project: Sending her entire city to the planet of Duna. Growing tired of being a small country with a small territory, she now funds this project to have an entire planet to herself!

1: You must use USI Kolonisation, and TAC life support. You may use other mods as long as they don't make it easier or let you cheat. Planetary bases is a nice one to have.

2: You must use [1.2]

3: Make a 20+ Kerbal city on Duna, near the equator. Buildings need to be in sight range of all other buildings.

4: It must have at least two labs

5: It must have at least two rovers. At least one for science and at least one for moving cargo.

6: It must be able to survive forever

7: You must have a queen. Any female kerbal will do. She must be among the first to touchdown on Duna, and if she dies you lost!


Additional challenges:

- Complete the challenge: 10 points

- Have a SSTO flagship that can bring back ore from the Empire to Kerbin, and bring new jewelry to the queen with the money. : 8 points

- Have small relay bases on the surface so that the main city has permanent communication with Kerbin (You'll need one on the planet's pole). : 4 points

- Make a nice palace independent from the other buildings that hosts the queen.: 6 points

- Send science to Kerbin, all science must come from Duna and it's orbit exclusively. You're allowed to send it back using a ship. 1 point per 100 science.

- Create a refueling station for fuel, oxydizer, monopropellant and life support supplies that can accomodate ships landed near the city. - 6 points

- Do it in career mode : Double all points.


Good luck! I'll be posting a leaderboard if people submit their results! You need to submit a video or pictures for proof.

As for me, I'm currently trying to complete this challenge. I'm using planetary bases.

Edited by Polkjm
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