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Elon Musk: "Kerbal is awesome!"


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19 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Cool! If he starts calling junior officers on the Mars transport "Enzin" or publishes a list of "General Orders" beginning with #0, somebody ping me OK?

No...no... he won't be Captain Musk, he will be King Elon the First of Mars!

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12 hours ago, TheKosmonaut said:

So instead of somewhat regular updates, we will get announcements and dreams of grandeur with no real delivery till weeks, months, or yeeeeaaars (looking at you, Falcon Heavy) later? :P 


12 hours ago, Frybert said:

The game will now ship with helium, on which all future crashes will be blamed...

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12 minutes ago, NSEP said:

Why do the devolopers not make Falcon 9 stockalike parts for in the stock game? SpaceK is a good name for their manufactuer.

There's has been talk/rumour/gossip about a Space-X addon (in some form) in collaboration with (or at least endorsed by) Space-X (a little like the ARM was endorsed by NASA and Asteroid Day by B612).

As there also has been with others (ESA, Bigelow, ULA and such).

Making a "look-a-like" mod wouldn't be hard. Getting official endorsement is harder, but oh so much sweeter. So I guess that it's that balance that slows things down.

Edited by Curveball Anders
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I have noticed some (look below the qoute i messed up a bit)

5 minutes ago, Curveball Anders said:

There's has been talk/rumour/gossip about a Space-X addon (in some form) in collaboration with (or at least endorsed by) Space-X (a little like the Asteroid Day was endorsed by NASA).

As there also has been with others (ESA, Bigelow, ULA and such).

Making a "look-a-like" mod wouldn't be hard. Getting official endorsement is harder, but oh so much sweeter. So I guess that it's that balance that slows things down.

"ripped off" parts from NASA like the space shuttle, the Apollo program, the Mercury program, the SLS, Juno and more. There are actually way more than you think!

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2 minutes ago, NSEP said:

I have noticed some (look below the qoute i messed up a bit)

"ripped off" parts from NASA like the space shuttle, the Apollo program, the Mercury program, the SLS, Juno and more. There are actually way more than you think!

But the NASA parts in ARM was "ripped off" with consent from NASA, which is also why their logo was added as a flag in the game.

(The addition of the ESA logo/flag was another story, legend says that it involved a fax machine ...).


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On 10/26/2016 at 6:32 AM, Kertech said:

ummm well not until you pointed it out, I think it's right but only in context.

Kerbal (meaning the game) is singular

Kerbal (meaning the species) is singular or plural

Kerbal (meaning an individual) is singular

Kerbal (as a description (adjective) of being erratic or tendency to make something blow up) makes no sense with out a subject

Kerbal (as an adverb meaning to do something with reckless disregard for laws of physics and engineering with more struts) could make sense but I'd rather not think so from the head of SpaceX (though would make sense...)


So a better sentence taking this in mind is "kerbal kerbal is kerbal!"

If the word "kerbal" ever makes it into the dictionary, this would be an excellent citation. 

My interpretation is that Elon Musk used "Kerbal" as a shortened version of "Kerbal Space Program". I tend to do this in conversation so maybe the regularity of it makes it seem not so weird. Thinking about it though, it's pretty common to shorten multiple names into the first one. For example, I refer to my car as  "The Alfa" rather than "The Alfa Romeo" but maybe this is one of those things that's acceptable in spoken English rather than written English.

On 10/26/2016 at 9:53 AM, stibbons said:

1 sheep, 2 sheeps.

Your comment reminded me of this video: 


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On 26.10.2016 at 1:32 PM, Kertech said:

Kerbal (meaning the game) is singular

Kerbal (meaning the species) is singular or plural

Kerbal (meaning an individual) is singular

Kerbal (as a description (adjective) of being erratic or tendency to make something blow up) makes no sense with out a subject

Kerbal (as an adverb meaning to do something with reckless disregard for laws of physics and engineering with more struts) could make sense but I'd rather not think so from the head of SpaceX (though would make sense...)


So a better sentence taking this in mind is "kerbal kerbal is kerbal!"

I recall some early dev (Harvester?) stating that originally the species is not Kerbals but Kermen - like their names. The canon is not clear :)

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