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Random System Metrics

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I was thinking about this the other day while learning about the new CommNet stuff. I realize that the Kerbal system is fixed/finite. But what if it wasn't? What if every new game created, the orbits, the masses, the sizes, atmospheres, etc. were generated from some random generator. I myself have played long enough that I know a lot of the info for the system so it kind of makes it "oh yeah, it is here, at that distance, so I need to do this to get there". But if the newly created game generated a new version of the Kerbal system, then a new learning process is created each time having to reach out and learn and explore the new system again before proceeding. 

Just some odd ramblings from an insomnia night.......   :)


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Squad has previously stated their opposition to the idea, on the basis of players comparing their accomplishments.  If one person's Duna is different from another's, how can they meaningfully compare them?  Or share vehicles capable of making the journey?  I can see their point.


Which is why they need to have a procedural, seed-based randomizer for the solar system, in addition to the stock one.  That way, people can generate a varied system with unknowns in it, and share the seed for it to allow others to compare their journeys in the same system.

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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 8:51 PM, Alshain said:

Seeds just result in everyone playing the same seed.  Salt has a seeded world, but everyone just plays "default".

That doesn't stop people playing games like Civilization which generate a random world every time--sure people share worlds and have contests based on the same world or use the same world for multi-player, but they also play randomly generated games...in other words you can have both no reason not to keep the standard solar system, but have an option to generate various random factors for variety: it is a single player game after all.

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5 hours ago, kBob said:

That doesn't stop people playing games like Civilization which generate a random world every time--sure people share worlds and have contests based on the same world or use the same world for multi-player, but they also play randomly generated games...in other words you can have both no reason not to keep the standard solar system, but have an option to generate various random factors for variety: it is a single player game after all.

But this game is nothing like Civ and it's very much like Salt on a basic exploration level.

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Psst... don't tell anyone I said this, but uhm...

..if you look in the game save files, you will notice this new parameter has appeared since 1.2:


    version = 1.2.0
    Title = career-1586-0 (CAREER)
    Description = No description available.
    linkURL =
    linkCaption =
    Mode = CAREER
    Status = 1
    Seed = 677642979
    scene = 5
    editor = None
    flag = Squad/Flags/kerbinmunflag
    launchID = 4
    modded = False
    envInfo =  - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF  Args: KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -popupwindow -adapter 3 -
    versionFull = (WindowsPlayer x64)
    versionCreated = (WindowsPlayer x64)
        preset = Custom

Also, some of us have discovered that the newly added 'green monolith' anomalies do not appear in the same places from save to save; which may be related to that new parameter, as there doesn't seem to be any other method by which the location of those monoliths is recorded in a save.

Mum's the word... :sealed:

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10 hours ago, Alshain said:

But this game is nothing like Civ and it's very much like Salt on a basic exploration level.

Of course, but that's not really my point.  You can have both and why would having both be bad?  Maybe not everyone would want to have it but I'm betting there are a lot people looking for a new angle or challenge who would enjoy it, the argument that it doesn't work in some other game is problematic at best (and yes the reverse is true too but I was more pointing to a game where both worlds live happily together).

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