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SSTO Jeremiah

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I've been inactive for some time now, so I decided to showcase my latest creation:

 Jeremiah (Go see what it is!)




This SSTO should be so easy to fly that you wouldn't need a manual, but here it is anyway:

- Full thrust down the runway. Pull up at 70m/s (Toggle Engine - 1Key)

- Keep steady 15-17.5 Degree angle.

- At 25 000m, aim at 12.5 degree angle and activate rocket-mode (Rocket Mode- 2 key)

- Burn until Apoapsis is at 95 000m

- From there, conduct circularization burn.

If there is anything else you wish, please leave a comment.


IF YOU ARE USING COMMNET, than please add an antenna of your prefrence

Craft File: https://mega.nz/#!WtowAYaK!yhxKrvVN5yUiZxYMBXchMQIQQuBB3gr6zIcU36a8xeQ

Edited by EliteGuy3
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