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Delta History (Prologue)


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This is a WIP. It might be abandoned during development. Also I am not an Author so this might not be top quality but I hope you enjoy the story. Thanks.

Delta History.

Delta: "A letter from the Greek alphabet and used in mathematics to represent a difference between two values."

The Prologue

Part one


The small, krude buggy arrived in front of the Astronaut Komplex. Jeb, Bill and Bob walked amidst  the cheers and kamera flashes of fellow Kerbals towards it. They got inside and closed the hatch. "I'm driving this time", said Jeb. "Hey with you driving, we'll all be dead by the time we reach the launch!" replied Bob. "Bob, a Mun mission has never been attempted. We might die anyway." said Bill. "Yes but we will live a little longer if you or me drive instead of Jeb!" shouted Bob. Before he could say another word, Jeb sped off down the road towards the launch pad.




"Wow the Delta History 1 looks so nice and explosive!" said Jeb. Neither Bill nor Bob heard him since they were both skreaming at the top of their voices. "Ok we're here." He said. All three Kerbals fell out of the hatch and walked over to the enterance to the launch tower lift. Through the magic of transferring crew Jeb pressed a button and the lift shot up through the tower.

"Ready, guys?", said Jeb. "Lets do this".




They piled into the kramp cockpit and prepared for lunch launch.



"Ok this is Gene from mission kontrol! Do you read me?" said a voice from a radio. "Yes w.." started Bill but Jeb cut him off and yelled "Yes we read you loud and klear!". Ok Kerbals, this is your most dangerous and important mission yet. Stand by for liftoff. T minus one minute and counting." "Hey wait!" Bob yelled. He checked his enormous snack supply. "Wait I forgot a sandwich at the komplex!" "And you are telling us now?" shouted Bill. "T minus thirty seconds!" said Gene. Bob looked out the window at the komplex. Too late for that. "T minus fifteen seconds! T minus Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Four! Twenty Two! Thirty nine! One! Zero! And liftoff of the Detla History one carrying Snacks and Kerbals to the Mun and back! The rocket roared off the ground and started tilting towards the horizon.




The Prologue

Part two


"We are sub-orbital!" Jeb said.

"Yay we survived launch!" Bill said.

"I want my sandwich." Bob said sadly.

The launch had gone slightly less than nominal as gravity turn was started too early. The launch escape system and the docking port it was attached to were both quite hot until they were high enough to nose up the vehicle without it flipping over. But the rocket had more than enough Delta V. It had been tested while bringing up parts of the now abandoned space station. The Kraken had forbidden them from docking a large empty fuel tank to the station as it tore it to pieces right after docking. Thus the station was left in orbit.

The second stage would continue to rendezvous with a Mun tug that was brought up to orbit only a few days ago. The Munar tug would ferry  payloads to the Mun and then return to LKO, Low Kerbin Orbit, where it would be refueled at the station. However after the Kraken attacks, they decided to refuel it with a tanker rather than a whole docking procedure.


"We have reached orbit! Woooohoooooo!" Jeb yelled.

"You guys got it quite close. Seven kilometers is our closest encounter right now with the Dragon." Gene said.

"Why did you guys name the tug Dragon?" Jeb asked.

"Because it sounded nice!" Replied Bill.

"Ok I've set up a korrection burn to meet up at five hundred meters away from the tug, We'll go from there"



"Dragon is in sight!" Jeb said.

"Shhhhhhh. Bob is asleep." Bill whispered.

"I'm kind of flying a spaceship here." Jeb whispered back


"Decoupling second stage!" Jeb said.

"What, where why who and when?" Bob sat up from his chair.

"We're starting docking procedure now." Bill said.

"Aww I missed the best part" Bob said.


"Aaaaaand docked!" Jeb said.

"Good job guys! Now get ready to head to the Mun!

Then Mission control tried to land the second stage autonomously  on Kerbin. It could do this since it had reaction wheels and a probe core between engine and fuel tank. However Mission control isn't very good at this and the second stage got dunked on splashed down too hard.




"Starting Trans-Munar injection burn!" said Jeb.


"And... Done!"

"Well done, Jeb. You are now en route to the Mun! You have one correction burn and then you have to capture yourself into the Mun's gravity." Gene said.


Much later at the Mun.

"Woah look at it! Its so rocky! I can't wait to do my science here!" Bill said.

"Starting Munar capture burn! Hold onto your snacks!" Jeb shouted.


"Low munar orbit achieved!"

"Wow you guys are doing great! Acording to Bob and the other engineer's calculations, you should have around 2300 m/s in your lander. That is more than enough to land on the Mun and come back. You also have around a 2.0 TWR. If  everything goes well, you'll land, take off and return to Kerbin safely. Do NOT do anything stupid!"

"Roger, Gene. Undocking Mun lander. Lets land."



More of a mission report in this part. Once we finish the prologue though, it will be much more of a story. I have good plans for this. But thanks for reading this.


Edited by Firemetal
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