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Shifting between ladders?

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I recall from development that Kerbals on EVA would be able to shift from one ladder to another directly next to it--a horizontal motion rather than climbing up-down the ladder. Thus far, I haven\'t been able to figure out what I need to do to allow my kerbal to do this yet, and have had to rotate my capsule around to avoid having a ladder intersect a connected piece.

Am I missing something, or has the feature just not been added in yet?

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I recall from development that Kerbals on EVA would be able to shift from one ladder to another directly next to it--a horizontal motion rather than climbing up-down the ladder. Thus far, I haven\'t been able to figure out what I need to do to allow my kerbal to do this yet, and have had to rotate my capsule around to avoid having a ladder intersect a connected piece.

Am I missing something, or has the feature just not been added in yet?

If, while your Kerbal is holding on to a ladder, you hold Shift and then press W, A, S or D, he will turn his head to look in that direction. If you then press the space bar, he will jump off the ladder in that direction. You then need to press f for him to grab on to another ladder before he drifts too far off.

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hold Shift and then press W, A, S or D, he will turn his head to look in that direction. If you then press the space bar, he will jump off the ladder in that direction.

Awesome! Thanks!

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Also, if you have multiple ladders crossing with each other, I find that the kerbals will often (but not always, can\'t figure out why...) be able to switch from one to the other if you stop at the crossing and then hold left or right (A or D) for a few seconds.

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Yes, I have noticed that too, i just didn\'t know about the jumping. Also, if you hold shift and press space without holding any of the WASD keys, you will jump backwards!

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Heh, did not notice that, thanks.

All in all, even tho there are some small kinks to be ironed out, I am extremely impressed - SQUAD (And more specifically Harvester, I guess) have put together in just a few months a movement system that is more flexible and natural than the systems I have seen in many high budget games.

Great job, the most fun update in a long time. :)

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