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How Do I Fine Tune Maneuvere Nodes

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As said above, use the mouse scroll wheel. But be careful when doing so, it has a funky scale applied to it. 

When you scroll slowly, each click is worth some fraction of a m/s. But if you get impatient and scroll quickly, suddenly each click is worth several m/s. So each click being worth more combined with a bunch of clicks means that you can suddenly add several hundred m/s if you're not careful. 

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YES there is a way to fine tune maneuver nodes.

If you want to make smaller adjustments, click and hold the opposite marker and move it toward the marker you're trying to adjust.

For example: If you want to increase your orbit slightly, click and hold the retrograde marker and slowly move it toward the prograde marker.

Edited by Gianni1122
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I push the maneuver handles in instead of pull them out,  it allows finer control.   it allows plenty of control for my tastes,  but I do the fine tuning  during the burn.   I have no real need to have a perfect node,  the final result from the burn is what matters,  so I just set them till they are close enough.

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Thank you for the answers.  And for confirming that pushing in the opposite handle does give you slightly finer control.  I thought it did, but wasn't sure!  I might try turning up the sensitivity of my mouse, so a larger movement is needed for the same effect.

For most burns I do, as suggested, tweak the final orbit with either RCS or turn down the main engine to 1% thrust.  But it's still a little annoying when you go to make a small adjustment and then see the resulting orbit disappear out of your target SOI completely!

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