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KSP Fan-Art MkII


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On my way to the Mün


That would actually go in the thread 'Show your awesome KSP pictures'. Screenshots there, drawn stuff here.

Anyways, I drew this a while ago and won't get around to coloring it, because it's so small.


Backstory: In a science save, I landed on Minmus, then preformed a hop to a hill so I could get more science, but fell over. Jeb made it home though.

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A WIP, I 'shopped myself a female kerbal, and was quite happy how she turned out.

She's not going to be so prominent in the final image, so I'm putting this here.


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... did you actually just make a female kerbal model that doesn't look absolutely terrible? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY

Nope, the model is from kerbalizer. I just altered the face in GIMP, mainly the hairline and jaw bone areas.

It's a lot easier to do this with a kerbal, when attempting the same with a human you also have eyebrows, the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and lots of other stuff to deal with. Then you've got to be precise enough to avoid the uncanny valley, but kerbals are already cartoonish enough to avoid this.

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Behold! I have a new thing to play with. It's called Fresh Paint and it's a lot of fun.

I'm doing a bunch of great things with this app.

One of my favorite things to do so far is to import a picture, and then give it an almost-abstract background. Here's the Star-A Concept Shuttle landing in the desert:

(Note: This was originally an all-stock screenshot. Clouds are made by blending colors.)


I'm also making a short video in this program, and I'm thinking of using it for the Debris Series in the future.


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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