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Easy game/platform for modding?


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What would be an easy game to start modding for beginners? I haven't created mods before (except in Minecraft, but it was too hard). Is KSP or Space Engineers easy to mod for example? Or should I ask what is the easiest platform to mod (Java and Unity for example)? Do I need to learn coding no matter the platform?

Edited by Arni01
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So, if the games you want suggestions for are just because they are easy to mod, regardless of the type of game, then. there would be 2 games:

Terraria, I have a series on YouTube about how to mod Terraria, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCWRJIHklMPI5PyP9vkZl4-qdTGpoFPF8 , I am currently working on a mod for Terraria, http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/cakemod-looking-for-a-coder.44420/

Faster Than Light, this is very easy to mod, I have been modding it since November 2014, I plan on making some video tutorials, as I've been modding it for so long, you can ask me for help if you need any, note that I still haven't worked out how to make custom weapons.


In terms of gameplay, both of these games are great.

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id have to say freespace 2. everything is in plain text tables, and the model converters are pretty straight forward. its probibly the easiest game i ever modded. kerbal isnt really that different if you can get over the need for the unity interface (its not hard but its like using visual studio when you know your way around makefiles *shudders*).

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I could try Terraria, because I own that game. I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so I placed it here, because it wasn't only about modding in KSP.

Edit: I try modding KSP, but also find out how it is like to mod Terraria.

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And it doesn't matter what kind of game it is. I just want to create my first mod, and after that create another mod in a game, that I like. Of course different game is different to mod, but I don't think that the difference is too big.

Thank you for the answers! :)

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17 hours ago, pincushionman said:

Two questions:

What sort of game are you interested in modding, and what games do you already have/play?

And more importantly, what kind of mod do you want to make?

These should inform your decision as much as the ease of modding.

After thinking for a while, I think I should just try modding KSP for several reasons. I want to learn Unity and KSP is my favorite game. And I also know what kind of mod I would want to create to it.

I have to find out how hard modding KSP is.

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