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Cheat codes

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cheat codes are

A) useless, there is already a menu for them

B) will make KSP like any other game, or even *shudder* like a *shudder even more* a FPS...ughhh

C) just why will you use cheat codes? it will ruin the game for you! !WARNING! I WILL SOUND LIKE SOME REALLY STUPID GUY YOU ALL PROBABLY HATE, FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE! The journey is half the fun!

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4 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

 just why will you use cheat codes? it will ruin the game for you! !WARNING! I WILL SOUND LIKE SOME REALLY STUPID GUY YOU ALL PROBABLY HATE, FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE! The journey is half the fun!

The ability to hack gravity is probably the most useful feature of the cheat menu in that you can use it on kerbin to simulate other bodies during lander, aircraft and rover building and testing.

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10 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

The journey is half the fun!

Agreed but sometimes I don't want to repeat the same journey over and over and over again just to fine-tune a design. Quick example from my current game - I launched a scanning satellite into a nice neat polar orbit around Kerbin. Booster flew well, upper stage had plenty of fuel in reserve for a reentry burn and disposal in Kerbin's atmosphere. Satellite got to it's planned orbit, ran the scan... and ran out of power halfway through transmission because I'd chosen the wrong antenna for the job and hadn't included enough batteries.

So I cheated.

A quick dab of infinite electricity later, I had my resource map of Kerbin and it was time to head back to the VAB to tweak the design and try again for my Mün mapper. Now I could have de-orbited the satellite and tried again but really, there was very little point. Getting to a polar orbit is routine and I knew the booster was sufficiently over-engineered to handle a much heavier satellite (proof - I used the same booster to put the redesigned satellite around the Mün - where it worked very nicely!).

So the journey was essentially done and I saw no good reason to repeat it. Especially when the reason for my first satellite design not working was a bit arbitrary. Why do I need to transmit the whole map in one go? Why can't I transmit the first third, recharge, then transmit the next bit? Of course, this is where somebody pipes up and tells me I can do exactly that. :)


Edit - I should point out that this is a Science mode game, so cheating like this doesn't come with any financial penalties. 

Edited by KSK
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