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Confusion over corrupted saves lost data

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Hi, I played kps on pc year or so back really loved it just noticed it in xbox store was about to hit the buy button thought I'd check some reviews first. Obviously I have now found a lot of bad reviews about crashes and lost/corrupted saves. I'd love to play the game again and don't have a pc but I also don't want to waste my time on a game just to have hours/days of progress corrupted or lost. I can deal with the odd crash with no loss of data and other little things, but what I don't want is to loose everything that to me is like paying a games company to flush days of your life down the toilet for you. Im having a hard time finding out if this issue has in fact been resolved yet or not any advice? I have read the post about a September update that fixed the issue but people then seemed to loose data changing the save file to patched version of game I may have misunderstood, if I buy now and start a fresh save with patch etc will my data be safe from corruption? Cheers

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After the patch, it seems to be hit-and-miss. Some of my friends have been able to play fine with no save issues. Before the patch, the save issues were a lot of progress roll-backs when the save file got too large. When the patch happened, it caused some people to lose their save file completely. Post patch, some people are finding their save file corrupting/vanishing. If you are concerned about the idea of losing all of your progress, I'd hold off for now. It could be fine and you'd have no issues, but it might also not be.

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Thank you for your quick reply, I think I'll hold off for now then, I've had issues like this before with games of XB store it drives me mad, it's bad enough when you spend hard earned money on a game that's faulty, but when you've invested hours/days of your life into it as well, which you can never buy back or be refunded, It really hacks me off! shame as what I can remember the pc version was excellent game, will keep my eye on any patch releases for now and hopefully join the KSP one day :)



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Speaking as someone who purchased the game for PS4, played for 20 plus hours, then lost all of my progress, then waited 6 months for any word and STILL haven't heard anything to spite posting several questions in various posts on the forum, I wouldn't hold your breath.  Its a huge bummer because aside from the gamebreaking save corruption issue this game is amazing.

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I have the PS4 version, too, and a weird thing happened when it crashed and corrupted.  I managed to get into my save before the PS4 made it disappear, and all that was wrong was the craft files, and they were just missing.  All of my landed craft, such as my Mun base, were all working perfectly.  Everything was normal except for the craft files, and the constant "save data is corrupted" screen every five seconds.  The corruptions must have to do with those craft files, and how they're stored.


I wonder if adding more storage to the PS4 would fix it, or replacing it with SSDs.

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