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Rescue mission person missing

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I've got within a few meters of the craft I'm meant to be picking the person up from, used " [ " to select the other ship and no one's in it.

Is this a bug, is he in my ship automatically, it's an orange thing called debris. The persons not trackable in the tracking station which I'd of thought it would be.

Sorry if this has been asked, I did look, it's my first mission the first time playing career. I've hit f5 and had to pop out so no screen shots or anything yet.

YouTube makes it look like they're meant to be sat in the ship waiting. I don't have any life support mods.

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Are you sure you did a rendezvous with the right ship? Normally you should rescue the Kerbals from crew-compartments (command modules, science lab, or habitation modules). Frankly, none of those are orange. And also, usually the name of the ship is called something like "Staedith's wreck" or "Billy-bobby's hulk". Not "Debris".

So, based on the information supplied to us, my first guess is that you somehow managed to do a rendezvous with an orange tank that you launched into orbit yourself on an earlier mission. That, or you have a mod installed that gives you other crew-compartments, which are somehow not working properly. 

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As Magzimum said -- my first guess is that you have a mod that is messing up your rescue contracts. Or you did your rendezvous with the wrong ship.

When you rendezvous with the correct ship, you hit [ to set focus to the ship. The picture of the rescue victim appears at the bottom right of the screen, you click the EVA button on the picture, then you hit space so they let go of their pod, then you hit R to turn on their RCS jetpack, then you look around until you find the rescue ship, doubleclick on it to set it as the target, then you fly over to it and board. Then the rescue ship takes the victim back to Kerbin.

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6 minutes ago, bewing said:

 Then the rescue ship takes the victim back to Kerbin.

This has nothing to do with the original post.  But I am hugely amused that the technical term for "someone rescued by kerbals" is apparently "victim".  :D

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Yeah must be a bug from a mod, looks like a rover escape pod thing :'(

Reckon i should delete them all and try and fix it or ignore it and move on to the next contract?

My fear is that this will be a repeating bug and i havent unlocked the easy intercept thing from mechjeb yet :'(

Perhaps I could copy a paste of the note book thing that has the craft in it and someone could help me fix it?


Found the mod, KER redux i think, its a ker.shelter anyway


Edited by Lord_intet
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Unfortunately, this does not sound like a bug that's easy to repeat. If you can repeat it, it's best to figure out which mod blocked putting the rescue victim into the capsule -- then report that to whoever is maintaining the mod so they can fix it.

Since you did 90% of the work for the contract, you can go into the Debug menu/Contracts/Active and "complete" the contract. But that won't get you a new Kerbal employee -- just a little money, rep, and a completed contract.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh once you mention it - DERP escape pod has this behavior, and it can be easily solved by inflating the pod - the Kerbal (or victim?) to rescue will show up. You might want to check if it's a similar mod part ("orange thing" does remind me that it might be exactly the DERP pod).

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The alarm clock is probably safe. The way you find out which one in general is that you remove one mod. Then you try to make the error happen again. If it happens again, then that wasn't it. You put that mod back and you remove a different one, and try again.


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Yeah I'll have to start removing them, pick a load of victims up and swap back and forth.

The orange pod issue was an issue with a mod adding something that can be changed by editing the save file (more detail can be provided).

The big issue now is the rescue victims from minmus and the mun being removed from the "victim pods" randomly :(

And alt + f12 only seems to modify the mouse cursor rather then debugging mode so I can simply add more kerbals.

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