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Minmus - orbit issue

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Hi All,


OK I am going to minmus and have sent a few things there already and are in orbit and have now docked them together , and they are traveling clockwise around mimnus  - but now when i send stuff I always seem to get them anticlockwise around minmus ?  so i don't keep making this mistake how can I always get them traveling the same way ? 

Hope that make some sense :)



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If you know how to use manoeuvre nodes, this should be a simple one. I'll assume you know how to get into orbit and adjust your inclination with Minmus. From then on, it's pretty easy. If you set your manoeuvre up so it's only just hitting Minmus' SOI, you should end up with a predicted path that looks a bit like this:


This will end up with an anticlockwise, or prograde (travelling in the same direction as the moon's rotation) orbit. What you need to do for a retrograde, or clockwise orbit, is keep pulling on that manoeuvre node's prograde marker.



This will result in a retrograde, or clockwise intercept. Depending on which way around Minmus you want to swing, you simply have to burn more, or burn less, when you perform your burn in Kerbin orbit.

Hope that helps. If anybody here knows a handy link to a Scott Manley or DasValdez video explaining intercepts, feel free to paste one in!

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Many thanks,

" This will end up with an anticlockwise, or prograde (travelling in the same direction as the moon's rotation) orbit. What you need to do for a retrograde, or clockwise orbit, is keep pulling on that manoeuvre node's prograde marker. "

Just so i understand Is this when I have encountered Minmus i do this i presume ?

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Just now, psvialli said:

Many thanks,

" This will end up with an anticlockwise, or prograde (travelling in the same direction as the moon's rotation) orbit. What you need to do for a retrograde, or clockwise orbit, is keep pulling on that manoeuvre node's prograde marker. "

Just so i understand Is this when I have encountered Minmus i do this i presume ?

If you use the radial/anti radial markers to move your path left/right across minmus the you can go into orbit on either side easily and you won't add velocity as you would with adding more prograde which will save a tiny bit of delta v when it comes to circularizing at minmus.

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4 hours ago, psvialli said:

Many thanks,

" This will end up with an anticlockwise, or prograde (travelling in the same direction as the moon's rotation) orbit. What you need to do for a retrograde, or clockwise orbit, is keep pulling on that manoeuvre node's prograde marker. "

Just so i understand Is this when I have encountered Minmus i do this i presume ?

You can wait until you're in Minmus' sphere of influence and do a correction burn or you can click on Minmus(or any body that you're approaching) at any point in your journey and select focus view and it will show you your projected path around that body and you can make your corrections before entering that body's sphere of influence. It tends to be cheaper to adjust from further away since any angular change gives a greater position change the further out you go. 

If you're unsure which way to burn to adjust your path once you're within a body's SOI you can picture a compass  pointing at the planet or moon (North and south running through the planet's axis of rotation). The compass points correspond to the navball, north is 0°, east  is 90°, south 180° and west is 270°. So if you need to move you orbital path from the left hand side of the planet as you look at it you'll burn east/90° in order to sweep your orbital path to the right.

Edited by Reactordrone
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