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Interplanetary periapsis not showing, showing other "closest approach" instead

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I have plotted an eliptical orbit, to get to Dres. The Ap is a little outside the orbit of Dres, and I should catch Dres on the way back (so after the Solar Ap). However, the game decided to constantly show the "closest approach" on the 1st pass of the orbit of Dres, which is only a few gazillion km away. 

It shows this: 


And only if I add another maneuver node, it shows this:


Note the red Pe symbol which is rather important. I did not do any maneuvering... I just placed a node (0 m/s) after the "closest approach". Is there any setting that I should change? Or is this still one of the rough bits of the game, which may (or may not) be polished out eventually. 

My "Conic Patch Limit" is set to max in the settings... so that didn't fix this. 

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