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InterKerbinal Rescue, dum dadada...


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Kerbals Desson, Greglin and Anger went to explore the Mün arch. Each flew to the top of the arch using EVA thrusters, but Desson was keen to show off his skills and tried to fly through the arch when to the horror of Greglin and Anger he disappeared in a cloud of dust, never to be seen again.

Anger was a seasoned astronaut having made his name piloting a capsule retrieval ship on a previous mission, single handedly rescuing a 3 Kerbal capsule which had all but run out of fuel from the surface of the Mün. However on this occasion his bravado deserted him and traumatised by the incident of Desson\'s demise, Anger Kerman flew erratically as the two survivors attempted to leave the Mün and return to Kerbin.

The resulting eccentric orbit put the command vessel on a collision course with the Mun and out of rocket fuel the two Kerbals had no choice but to abandon ship and use their EVA packs to boost themselves into a safe and almost identical orbits.

Bob Kerman volunteered to pilot the rescue vehicle which left its two copilots behind in order to make room for the two unhappy casteaways. He approached the Mün and with great skill matched the orbits of Greglin and Anger who one by one approached the rescue ship with their remaining EVA thruster fuel and boarded the vessel without further incident.

Bob then set course for KSC launch facillity and landed close by the gantry where the three were greeted by those they had left behind, happy to be reunited with their own kind but sad for the inexplicable loss of Desson.

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