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Creationism Documentary and AMA


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This isn't spaceflight, but it's definitely science. 137Films is a Chicago-based film company that makes films about science and science education, and they've just recently announced We Believe In Dinosaurs, a film about the religious creationist organization that has built a life-size replica of the mythical Noah's Ark in northern Kentucky and teaches that the world is only 6000 years old.

Since I used to be a creationist and used to write for Answers In Genesis before getting my degree in physics and going on to speak out on behalf of real science, I'm one of the major subjects of the film. Tomorrow, on December 14, one of the codirectors and I will be hosting a Reddit AMA about the film and about creationism and science in general. Here's the link; the AMA starts at 1 PM EST. Hope to see some of you there!

EDIT: Just in case I wasn't clear, I'm not a creationist and the film is not pro-creationism. Quite the opposite.

Edited by sevenperforce
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3 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

Since when is creationism science?

It's not; it's an attack on science. That's what the film is about.

2 minutes ago, Elthy said:

Wait, there is a way back? What convinced you to stop believing this stuff?

I was born creationist, more or less. Getting a degree in physics helped to kick the habit. Come to the AMA and ask questions -- the documentary is going to be REALLY great. We already have a couple of trailers up.

Here's more info about the film:



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I guess I misunderstood?
Your post was not entirely clear, but the pitch on indiegogo (a site known for supporting pseudoscience and outright scams) is kind of mocking. Guess all is well.


1 minute ago, Darnok said:

Since beginning of times :)

Since 6000 years ago, then?

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51 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

Since 6000 years ago, then?

Please quote part of Bible saying that world started 6000 years ago :)

Creationism isn't anti-science like most of people think, because even if all creatures would be created they still have to "work" on some rules and those rules can be studied with science.

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26 minutes ago, Darnok said:

Please quote part of Bible saying that world started 6000 years ago :)

Creationism isn't anti-science like most of people think, because even if all creatures would be created they still have to "work" on some rules and those rules can be studied with science.

Yes. It is. Totally. It has the same totalitarian habit than many other religions, works against science where it can, tries to kick out science from public education and discredit scientists and put it's own nonsense in it's place.

It is pure and total anti-science !


Edited by Green Baron
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39 minutes ago, Darnok said:

Please quote part of Bible saying that world started 6000 years ago :)

Creationism isn't anti-science like most of people think, because even if all creatures would be created they still have to "work" on some rules and those rules can be studied with science.

Yeah, actually it is, the 2 are mutually exclusive. Science is a process. Magic is not a process that can be studied, so it's off the table. It's fine for us to say, "we don't know" the answer to any particular question, and that answer does nothing to further the positive claim of creationism. We can grant you that all modern science is wrong as a given---it gets you no closer to a claim that it was intentionally created at all. That claim is a positive claim that must be demonstrated to be true. So if you claim an intelligent creation, you need to demonstrate the claim. If you have a particular being in mind, you need to demonstrate that that particular being is the responsible one (else your creator critter might belong to some tribe in New Guinea, and not be who you think it is).

The 6000 years comes from the "begats." They have a complete list of a line of descent from Adam that they use, and plus or minus how long you treat a generation, they get that number. 

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