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(FIXED)Kopernicus Planet


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Ok, so I was making a planet, but it wasn't showing up, so I asked on the thread I was using(it was a tutorial) and sent a cfg file, they rewrote and corrected it and sent it back, but it still doesn't work...

cfg file:


  name = Kor
  cacheFile = Kopernicus/Cache/Kor.bin
   exportMesh = true
   update = true
   name = Minmus
   removeAllPQSMods = true
   description = TestPlanet
   radius = 50000
   tidallyLocked = false
   rotationPeriod = 50000 //Equals 13.88 hours? Remember that this value is in seconds.
   geeASL = 0.4
   timeWarpAltitudeLimits = 0 10000 17500 25000 60000 80000 200000
    landedDataValue = 7
    inSpaceLowDataValue = 6.5
    inSpaceHighDataValue = 6
    recoveryValue = 6.7
    spaceAltitudeThreshold = 500000
   referenceBody = Sun
   semiMajorAxis = 4523576234985723465
   inclination = 0
   eccentricity = 0.008
   longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
   argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
   meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
   epoch = 0
   color = 0.24325,0.52626,0.5476246,1
     name = HeightModAlpha
     seed = 432
     deformity = 413
     octaves = 4
     persistence = 0.3
     frequency = 5
     enabled = true
     order = 2
     name = HeightModBeta
     seed = 526
     deformity = 542
     octaves = 5
     persistence = 0.1
     frequency = 10
     enabled = true
     order = 3
     //A little gift from me, set enabled to true if you think you can handle the epicness of this mod.
     deformity = 4000
     frequency= 6
     persistence = 0.2
     octaves = 6
     lacunarity = 2.5
     noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
     mode = Low
     seed = 235389
     enbled = false
     order = 4
     //Another gift from me, generates procedural craters. Set enabled to true to try it out!
     enabled = false
     colorOpacity = 0.7
     DebugColorMapping = False
     deformation = 750
     jitter = 0.1
     jitterHeight = 3
     rFactor = 1
     rOffset = 1
     simplexFrequency = 120
     simplexOctaves = 3
     simplexPersistence = 0.5
     simplexSeed = 123123
     voronoiDisplacement = 0
     voronoiFrequency = 7
     voronoiSeed = 6621
     order = 5
     index = 0
      key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
      key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
      key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
      key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
      key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
      key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
      key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
      key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
      key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
      key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
      key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
      key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
      key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
      key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
      key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
      key = 0.9970253 0.003401639 0 0
     blend = 1 //Any value below 1 gives weird black lines for some reason, I don't know why.
     enabled = true
     order = 15 //left some room between this and the heightMods so you can add 11 extra PQSMods in between.
       name = Surface
       altitudeStart = -2
       altitudeEnd = 0.2
       color = 0.1321,0.3321,0.4213,1
       lerpToNext = true
       name = Low
       altitudeStart = 0.2
       altitudeEnd = 0.5
       color = 0.6465,0.5465,0.4655,1
       lerpToNext = true
       name = Middle
       altitudeStart = 0.5
       altitudeEnd = 0.7
       color = 0.6787,0.8679,0.6888,1
       lerpToNext = true
       name = High
       altitudeStart = 0.7
       altitudeEnd = 2
       color = 0.7898,0.98595,0.9877
       lerpToNext = false
     //And lastly, my final gift, terrain scatters. Just set it to true. You can change the scatter color below.
     enabled = false
     altitudeBlend = 0
     altitudeFrequency = 1
     altitudeOctaves = 1
     altitudePersistance = 1
     altitudeSeed = 1
     createColors = False
     createScatter = True
     latitudeBlend = 0
     latitudeFrequency = 1
     latitudeOctaves = 1
     latitudePersistance = 1
     latitudeSeed = 1
     longitudeBlend = 0
     longitudeFrequency = 1
     longitudeOctaves = 1
     longitudePersistance = 1
     longitudeSeed = 1
     useHeightMap = False
     vHeightMax = 10000
     order = 999999
      frequency = 1
      octaves = 1
      persistence = 1
      frequency = 1
      octaves = 1
      persistence = 1
      frequency = 1
      octaves = 1
      persistence = 1
       alterApparentHeight = 0
       alterRealHeight = 0
       color = 0,0,0,0
       coverageBlend = 0
       coverageFrequency = 1
       coverageOctaves = 1
       coveragePersistance = 1
       coverageSeed = 1
       name = Base
       latDelta = 1
       latitudeDouble = False
       lonDelta = 1
       minimumRealHeight = 0
       noiseBlend = 0
       noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
       noiseFrequency = 1
       noiseOctaves = 1
       noisePersistance = 1
       noiseSeed = 1
       delete = False
        endEnd = 1
        endStart = 1
        startEnd = 0
        startStart = 0
        frequency = 1
        octaves = 1
        persistence = 1
        endEnd = 1
        endStart = 1
        startEnd = 0
        startStart = 0
        endEnd = 1
        endStart = 1
        startEnd = 0
        startStart = 0
        endEnd = 2
        endStart = 2
        startEnd = -1
        startStart = -1
        frequency = 1
        octaves = 1
        persistence = 1
         density = 1
         scatterName = Rock00
       materialType = Diffuse
       mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
       castShadows = False
       densityFactor = 1
       maxCache = 512
       maxCacheDelta = 32
       maxLevelOffset = 0
       maxScale = 2.5
       maxScatter = 20
       maxSpeed = 1000
       minScale = 0.15
       recieveShadows = False
       name = Rock00
       seed = 231123
       verticalOffset = 0
       delete = False
       collide = False
       science = False
        //-------------CHANGE THE SCATTER COLOR HERE------------
        color = 0.679104447,0.679104447,0.679104447,1
        mainTex = BUILTIN/lunar cliff face
        mainTexScale = 1,1
        mainTexOffset = 0,0

he left some gifts that are disabled, please leave them disabled because right now I just want the planet to appear... can you guys see if you can fix?

Edited by Axilourous
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