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Craft Damage Problem

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Below is a space car I designed. Now do you know how sometimes when you hit the ground too fast or bump into something or another, there may be a small explosion, but the craft itself shows little to no signs of damage?  Well this craft was very tough and even when it flips over after spinning out of control, the craft comes out either unscathed or with only minor damage (Like a light breaking off)

However, when I added a several extra parts (as shown in the second picture), the craft literally blows up in a chain reaction. If there is one explosion, it will make other parts overheat and explode to the point there is little left of the craft. Any idea what is causing this? :(




Edited by Tebok
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Are the only parts you added BDArmoury parts? Because if you only added those parts (or if those are the only parts exploding) then this would be a good question for the BDA thread. I have a feeling that the explosive parts are prone to explosions. 

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4 hours ago, Tebok said:

However, when I added a several extra parts (as shown in the second picture), the craft literally blows up in a chain reaction. If there is one explosion, it will make other parts overheat and explode to the point there is little left of the craft. Any idea what is causing this? :(

I don't know... maybe the metric ton of primed high explosives surrounding the craft on all sides? :P:D 

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