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refeuling sto space plane. (1 or 2 orange tanks).


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Ok wel as a member of KERBNASA, we have need for a space plane.
Not sure if is possible, but KERBNASA needs  a SSTO drone plane.
As for a next minimus mission the entire crew and staf, are allready in orbit, but out of feul.

You as a contractor  will deliver :

  • A SSTO robotic fuel delivery service.
  • At least one full orange fuell tank Rockomax jumbo-64 into a 90km orbit. (challenge).
  • If you bring up more, its only better bonus points !.
  • Its a refill mission so you also return with your tank back to Kerbin.
  • Use a normal Clamp-O-Tron, docking device.
  • The craft should be able to land, and be able use to fly several missions.
  • Ascent can be space-plane horizontal or rocketry vertical  (ea parachutes or wings, air brakes or combinations), but it must be a Single stage.
    Note however, that KERBNASA believes wings are more fun, so if you can have a controlled flight back and land horizontal, its again bonus points.
  • The robotic fuel delivery service must be able to generate its own electric power, ea flight computers must be able to stay alive for a longer period (docking windows).
  • It must be able to dock itself, using some mono propellant trusters (or liquid oxygen), or...

To be efficient you likely will use engines like:

  • Turbo Ramjet J-X4, Turbofan J404 or Rapier engine
  • Maybe in combination with normal rocket parts.
  • Engines from near future propulsion

Additional mods

  • Rockets from Near Future propulsion are allowed.
  • All near future mods can be used, electric, solar etc..
  • Prakasa (the nice cockpits mod) it has a bit more efficient fuel tanks (but larger then the orange one, remind the bonus).
  • Mechjeb, if you use it provide your ascent guide settings ascent path settings.
  • If you make use of different mods, that are not a complete hack just mention them.

The small letters in the contract in case you tought this is easy to win

  • Then we're looking for the contractor with cheapest plane to build.

This should be doable, currently i am under testing my Xproject seams to get close to it.
The idea behind this is that it should be fun to fly refueling missions, and that there is a new market niche for smaller crafts instead of the heavy lifters.
I've noticed its quite a challenge and fun even when using mechjeb to find the optimal route to orbit, do you go straight up, or under some angle...

post your plane


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KERBNASA has reviewed your comment ( @tseitsei89 ).
The original goals have not been changed, however the mission requirements proposal has been rewritten.
In such a way its slightly more easier, but also its more strict now.

( Proposal draft as in document has been replaced by official mission plan  )

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On 12/19/2016 at 8:04 PM, PGTART said:

it should be fun to fly refueling missions

Well, since I get bored of flying the same refueling mission twice, presenting the (stock) Bluntnose tanker: http://kerbalx.com/juzeris/Bluntnose

Set MechJeb's SmartASS to Surface 90-10-0 (aka pitch 10 degrees above horizon), stage, retract gear after liftoff, and come back in about 5 kerbal minutes (physics warp OK) to cut throttle once the desired apoapsis is reached. RCS and lights included.

By specification delivers 10 000 units of 9:11 LFO mix, but with an efficient rendezvous it might be about 10% more. Costs 162 600 funds, but it is all recoverable, except for the fuel.

Landing is a bit more involved, but she has good control authority at any altitude, and glides well. Airbrakes not included, but opening the RCS service bays for extra drag when landing should not void the warranty. Otherwise not that different from any other spaceplane landing.







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OK that's interesting,
I wonder how can 4 scramjets power such a large craft to oribt? (did you use FAR ?, as i dont use that)

i finally also managed my plane that can just deliver one orange tank (or else launch weight to heigh for the wings).
its maneuverability is reasonable but a real low angle to space.
it takes a long time till scramjet engine gets enough speed to reach orbital speed boost after which the other engines can take it over when it runs out of air, (mechjeb not used).
its a high speed flyer, it is maneuverable but only barely, taking of is a bit tricky too.. (you got the speed but not that much wings so little lift >>  pull up..).
cost 259,051


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Ok I build drone/or 1 manned (if need to transport 1 kerbal to station) SSTO for orange tank . It can dock with jr.dockport or can be divided apart and dock with normal size dock port. Also- it low science SSTO (for career game) - I use 10 panther engines in wet mode. It can be split apart and dock if you want to save fuel and dont want in orbit accelerate and then slow down winged part, but just piece of ship or simple can dock ssto in 1 piece if you launch window is good. 

Ps: sorry for my poor english, its hard to me explain construction, just look video


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