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Inverted turret axial movement (BDA)

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Hello everyone. :) 

I'm trying to make a turret for the BDA, but I noticed that the axial movement of both the tower and the cannon are reversed, for example: I move X degrees to the right, but the tower moves those X degrees to the left. In the CFG configuration, the cannon minPitch = -4 and maxPitch = 20, if I try to raise the cannon 20 degrees up it goes 20 degrees down, and so on.

I would like a solution to this problem. =/

* Sorry for my bad english *

The Tower CFG:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = turretOlkh
module = Part
author = BrendoSturmgeschutz

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_attach = 0.015774, -0.642385, 0.001704, 0, -1, 0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 3500
cost = 5000
category = none
subcategory = 0
title = Olkh Turret Cannon
manufacturer = B.M.I
description = A 120mm cannon on an armored turret.
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 2.1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 110
maxTemp = 3600

stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

    name = ModuleTurret
    yawTransformName = rotacao
    pitchTransformName = levante
    pitchSpeedDPS = 60
    yawSpeedDPS = 40
    minPitch = -4
    maxPitch = 20
    yawRange = 360
    smoothRotation = true
    smoothMultiplier = 10
    audioPath = BDArmory/Sounds/hydraulicLoop
    maxAudioPitch = 0.42
    minAudioPitch = 0.15
    maxVolume = 0.60

    name = ModuleWeapon
    fireTransformName = fireTransform
    hasDeployAnim = false
    hasFireAnimation = false
    roundsPerMinute = 10
    maxDeviation = 0.2
    maxTargetingRange = 5000
    maxEffectiveDistance = 5000
    bulletMass = 5.50
    bulletVelocity = 1500
    ammoName = CannonShells
    requestResourceAmount = 1
    cannonShellPower = 25
    cannonShellHeat = 35
    cannonShellRadius = 35
    hasRecoil = true
    onlyFireInRange = true
    bulletDrop = true
    weaponType = cannon    
    projectileColor = 255, 90, 0, 190
    tracerStartWidth = 0.27
    tracerEndWidth = 0.20
    tracerLength = 0
    tracerDeltaFactor = 3.75
    tracerLuminance = 2
    maxHeat = 3600
    heatPerShot = 60
    heatLoss = 740
    fireSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/BGM/sounds/canhao
    overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat
    oneShotSound = true
    showReloadMeter = true
    reloadAudioPath = BDArmory/Parts/BGM/sounds/carregamento

    name = CannonShells
    amount = 20
    maxAmount = 20


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On 28/12/2016 at 2:29 AM, Sturmgeschutz said:

but I noticed that the axial movement of both the tower and the cannon are reversed,

Hi the inverted rotations are likely caused by incorrectly rotated yaw and pitch transforms, Without exception these should always have zero local rotations and be arranged  to match unity's rotation as below, there are a couple of other arrangements possible but for the most straight forward hassle free use ,  use only this method


And here's a demo project that i made a while ago but still relevant and produces working turrets

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ra4ct7f52m8r6ya/BDAc U422 DemoScene.zip?dl=0

and a link to the post


On 28/12/2016 at 2:29 AM, Sturmgeschutz said:

bulletMass = 5.50

 So you have 120mm shell that weighs 5 1/2 tonne??? maybe you should reconsider your values

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