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Hi there - few questions


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Hi guys. Long time player (probably +1500 hours), starting back in 0.12 or 0.13, can't remember.

Never really taken part or contributed to the community, but I know there's a LOT of love for this game still, and figured "why not say hi?"

Anyway, I had a few questions:

Does every post/reply have to be approved before it's visible, or is there some limit or registration thing I have to do? Minor quibble. NBD. 

The other thing I'd love to hear from you guys is what do you enjoy about this game? How do you typically play the game? Do you just follow missions and play vanilla? Do you use a ton of mods that totally change the gameplay? Do you only use addons that give parts that you feel should be in the game (for the most part, me, though I'm branching out here on your advice!)? 

What are some addons/mods you guys use that aren't really obvious? I'd love to try some new combinations, or things I might have actually passed over.

I always passed over life support addons, and communications as well until recently. I've found the vanilla game (even with vanilla com) to be pretty easy since I've played it so many times, and I've found Kerbalism and some of the new system overhauls (kopernicus mods) have added a lot more of the need to plan VERY well.

I'd love meet some people that love the game as much as I do! It's a great way for me to take a break from work and playing Warcraft all day... haha!


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Greetings and welcome to the forums, @EssjayC.

I don't have as much time in the game so I'm still playing mostly vanilla.  The only 2 mods I really like to play with is KER and Scansat - I consider both to be information mods because while scansat adds parts, those parts perform mapping that I like to have before I land anywhere.

I am currently doing an Eve Elcano with an overly complex support mission running concurrently that will probably end in disaster, but for me that's progress.  I hope to see some of your missions soon so I can steal all your good ideas.


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6 hours ago, EssjayC said:

Does every post/reply have to be approved before it's visible, or is there some limit or registration thing I have to do? Minor quibble. NBD. 

To expand a bit on monstah's reply, new forum accounts have to be reviewed by a moderator for their first three posts. It's mostly done to protect the forums from spambots. This restriction comes off an account automatically after the first three successful posts.

6 hours ago, EssjayC said:

The other thing I'd love to hear from you guys is what do you enjoy about this game? How do you typically play the game?

I mostly use the game as a canvas for my overly active imagination. :)

6 hours ago, EssjayC said:

I always passed over life support addons, and communications as well until recently. I've found the vanilla game (even with vanilla com) to be pretty easy since I've played it so many times, and I've found Kerbalism and some of the new system overhauls (kopernicus mods) have added a lot more of the need to plan VERY well.

That was more or less my feeling after a short period playing stock. I will say that while I enjoy using life support, it does change the tenor of the game. There are no more rescue missions, and the need to always keep one eye on the mission clock detracts a bit from the "sight seeing" part of the game. 

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How do I enjoy my KSP? Well, mostly stock for now, except for KER. Have not clocked that much playtime yet, although I do feel as though I have a strong grip on the game, I still feel I need to "beat" the stock game. That usually entails me playing career with a fraction of the default science rewards and such to provide extra incentive to gather more science and go further, because ultimately I would like to visit every celestial body in the game. My main motivation is to create efficient, smart rockets that don't look crazy.

...and then life usually has a way of pulling me away from my careers, updates happen and I can't be bothered to continue a career that I can't even remember what I was doing with all that junk flying around.

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Hi @EssjayC!

Since I am not far from graduating in Space engineering in real life, I am mostly interested in RSS, RealFuels and all the other mods that bring the game experience closer to reality. This makes the game far more complex - for example, the height of the atmosphere of the Earth in RSS is fixed at 140 km, while in Kerbin it is just 70 km. This means that stable orbits in RSS are at least twice as high as in Kerbin, and consequently you have to spend more propellant. In real life, even orbits at 200 km or higher (i.e. the ISS) are not completely stable nor eternal, since there are gravitational disturbances due to the non-uniform distribution of mass inside the Earth, and since air is very rarified but not completely absent, thus giving some drag; there is a point, however, in which I have to say <<ok, this is realistic enough for my poor pc!>> :D

It should be noted, however, that using the appropriate configs allows to scale stock performances up to real life; that is, together with RSS and RealFuels I use the StockRF configs with modified mass ratio - 4.8 times better than the one used in stock, allowing delta Vs high enough to escape the Earth's SOI in a reasonable way! In addition to this, I am waiting for RO to finally become compatible with KSP 1.2.2.

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I just play. As in: when I was a younger and we were actually going places (instead of hanging out in LEO) I was totally entranced with the notion. Well, that and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". That guy was a Kerbal...   "oh I think i'll strap a rocket and a couple wings on my back and aim down this ski jump!!"


I'm light on mods but mostly because my 11 year old computer would choke to death on them. So mostly info like KER.


On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 2:43 PM, Ten Key said:

I will say that while I enjoy using life support, it does change the tenor of the game. There are no more rescue missions,

When I use life support it makes it feel like EVERY mission is a rescue mission. :D

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