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Updated Tip and Tricks?

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There used to be a pretty handy thread on here for various tip and tricks and instead of potentially cluttering this place with a new one was just curious if there's an updated thread for this?  I'm especially interested in settings tweaks that make life easier/cleaner.  There were a few critical ones I've forgotten from my early days of playing, like showing the rendezvous at the planet (which seems to be incorporated into the defaults now).

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Trying to build a battery pack for your mining base with 8x large 4k batteries, but they wobble like a worm when stacked? Use the Fairings(under Payload category) as sturdy stacking containers. Attach each one to its own truss node on the fairing part. Now connect the fairing part anywhere you like.(you don't need the fairing shell for this obviously)

Trying to get a Spaceplane to pass Mach 1 but it doesn't, even with turbojets and you know you built it as sleek as possible, everything clipped inside the fuel tanks? Try adding a fairing around those clipped parts(sometimes drag is still applied to parts like reaction wheels that are definitely not exposed to the atmosphere). 

Trying to send an ISRU lander down to Eve, but only the drills keep blowing up, even though they are hidden behind heatshields? Put them inside a fairing. Its stupid, but it works.

Trying to build an Eve lander that can bring a kerbal back up to orbit? Put him in a command seat(on a probe core and some fuel + engine) inside a fairing. With 800m/s dv it is still lighter than a dead weight MK1-Lander-can.


Edited by Blaarkies
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Scaling GUI is now possible so I shrink it down for less clutter.

Advanced Tweakables allows for more right click options for parts.

Part highlight brightness can be adjusted now. I keep it off for realism.

There are a lot more difficulty settings and mods can have difficulty settings. (all available in the pause menu now)

Welcome to The Forum, @arkive :cool:

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