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Storytime with SkyHook #1


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This is SkyHook and welcome to storytime! My first story is one of my ambition for landing a base on the surface of the Mun, which turned out to be a challenge. My first experiences with building the craft were frustrating. Launching the craft was not going to work, my stages were too tall and my base was buckling under the stress of flight. I didn\'t know about the whole 'throttle control' (who knew full throttle wasn\'t ideal? ???) aspect of flying, so my base simply broke apart at about 70km above Kerbin. I made some changes that included downsizing and adding more fuel. Off to launch.


On the way to the Mun.


My intercept of the mun, Star Trek anyone?

Flight was normal, escaped atmosphere, etc. when disaster happened. After intercepting the Mun, I got in position to separate from my lifter stage to land, and I forgot to throttle down before separating! My base was wounded, but I decided to land anyway. on landing, I decided to answer a text message while it fell to a close enough distance. I looked up to see a crater where my base was supposed to be. It wasn\'t my day, honestly :\'(


Coming around..

Take 2 of Mun landing was much more successful. After adding landing lights and other doohickeys I was ready to start over. Separation was normal, etc. and I was on final descent for landing. I was on the light side of the moon and found a nice spot near a mountain range to explore later. Touched down about 3m/s, and took pictures. After days I managed to get a base on the moon!






The crew pose for a relief celebration photo.

I enjoyed this story of my first Mun base, I hope you all did too! Feel free to leave criticism, complements, and suggestions of any kind!Hope to see everyone again!

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Ok Butthead, I have added a download link for you. You will need BACE, Mechjeb, the Kosmos pack, Camera pack, Bigtrak Cuttlefish lander (for the fuel tank),Damned robotics, and a OA Flood Lights pack to complete the pack. If you cannot open it, i will check again to see what other addons you need. Thanks!

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Guest butt head

thanks for letting me download looks like a fun craft hmm... maby i should up load picks to the thread of it?

ill make it epic

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