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Matching a Contract orbit?

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I "think" I know the problem with my latest contract but, before I destroy 27,000 Funds worth of spacecraft, I'd like a second opinion. It's a contract to put a satellite in a specific orbit around the Mun. I have matched peri and apo pretty closely but my other parameters seem to be 180 degrees out? I'm guessing this was supposed to be a "non-standard" or clockwise orbit of the Mun (PLEASE...a little help with the proper terminology here would be very helpful...and reduce my "idiot quotient"?). Take a look and verify for me, please.


That came out blurry but...I've drawn lines from KER actual orbital parameters to the Contract's required orbital parameters. I think I'm going backwards.

If this is the case, what is the "clue", in the contracts orbital requirements, that tells me which way I should be orbiting?

Thanks gang!

Vic the Newbal

Edited by strider3
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It's called a "retrograde" orbit.

There are supposed to be 2 clues.

The first is there's supposed to be a bright spot that runs around and around the target orbit. You are supposed to be going in the same direction as the spot.

The second is the An and Dn markers. They tell you what your inclination is compared to the target orbit. They are supposed to say zero when you are done. If they say 180, then you are going backwards. When you do a burn to match the plane, you want to see that number going down, not up.


Since your orbital speed is 279 m/s and you have 800+ m/s of dV left in your tanks, you can burn retrograde at any time and completely reverse your orbit. It's best to do it at the Ap, though.

(Actually, line up initially on retrograde -- then switch to stability mode, because the retrograde direction will move as you burn.)


Edited by bewing
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the contract orbit on the map view should be "spinning" in a way, depicting the direction of travel.  a certain part is thicker and more bold than the rest and it moves around the orbit marker

and i think the term your looking for is a retrograde orbit, as its counter to the bodies rotational direction

Edited by DD_bwest
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10 hours ago, bewing said:

(Actually, line up initially on retrograde -- then switch to stability mode, because the retrograde direction will move as you burn.)

A quick way to do this is to tap F to quickly turn off SAS for a second ... it always starts in stability mode unless they switched that.

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Q: My contract won't complete.

A1: Are you sure you're orbiting in the right direction? Watch how the highlights on the target orbit are moving. You should be going in the same direction. Also check the AN and DN markers, if they are close to 180 you are orbiting in the opposite direction.
A2: The contract system still contains a few bugs. If you are confident you've met all the contract requirements don't despair, Quicksafe [F5] and exit the game. Restart the game and return to the craft that failed to complete. Almost guaranteed now the contract will complete without a problem.

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