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The Green Slime


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Ooooh that's one I haven't seen in a couple of decades. Love me some 50's/60's drive-in/killer b movie. Not sure if you have but if you haven't, might take a look at these Japanese flicks as well, about the exploits of the hero Starman against assorted cheapo space monsters.


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If low budget 60's sci-fi is your poison, there are a couple of more movies I like to present.

The first is one of the rare ones where production quality actually is pretty good (better than most of the acting at least and way better than the plot).

The Trollenberg Terror (a.k.a. The Crawling Eye)


The other one is what can best be described as so rotten in every way it is good:

Teenagers From Outer Space

Both of them great flicks in my book but for different reasons.

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One can not talk about 50's and 60's pop trash without mentioning these:

The Creature From The Black Lagoon


It Came From Outer Space


It Conquered The World


All true classics and none of them academy award winners.

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Not knowing which movies you have seen or definitely do not want to see, and to throw in a good dose of sacrilege, one could always attempt to sit through these blatant rip-offs for the laughs

Turkish Star Wars is nothing, I hear you say, you're not afraid you say?

Ok so let's begin:



Message From Space

Battle Beyond The Stars


How they managed to get stuck beyond the stars is beyond me. Must be a rather cold and dark place that.

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Many of these I've seen. Maybe not in their entirety, but at least a good portion of. That's the way it happens sometimes; You stumble across some strange old movies while flipping channels, and it's like, yea, that one. lol

From the 60's, NYC area. This was a staple!


Then, later on in the 70's...


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Never heard of Chiller Theater but will look it up!

One guy I came across on the wide web put together these collections called Monsterpiece Theater (not the Sesame Street thing) where he typically would bundle together an episode of some camp 60's series, or an animation of same caliber, with movie commercials from that era, and the main feature which would span from Robot Monster and Plan 9 to slightly more professionally made sillyness. He did an absolute cracking job putting together a real show for the entire evening. Well worth checking out if you stumble across that.

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