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Experiment Storage Unit - 'Review Data' in table or list format

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A pretty simple suggestion really. I struggle to review my stored experiments in the Experiment Storage Unit. On long missions it is not uncommon to have >50 experiments stored, and I don't enjoy toggling through them all to find out if I already had done a particular experiment. It would be nice if they were presented in a table or list, rather than popups. 

I'd be surprised if nobody suggested it before, but I cannot find it.

If there is perhaps already a better way to view the stored experiments, I am all ears. 

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That would be pretty useful, as would with the ability to transfer individual results between containers.

However, if you haven't seen it already you might want to check out [X] science. It doesn't do what you ask for but you could certainly use it to tell you what science you have currently stored on your vessel.

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