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[KSP v0.9] It's Official!


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Preordered...and donated a little extra too. It was the right thing to do when it came to Minecraft, and it's probably going to prove worthwhile for KSP

I'm hoping this entices the Devteam to work on the Mac port some more...getting...so...impatient.

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The Mac version is being worked on. It will come eventually, I promise!

It better Smiley_Shake_Fist_by_Mirz123.gif


It does currently run rather well in ciderx, just have to use the keys to pan arround.

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Yay... Finally I get to throw some money at you guys, $20 heading your way.

Which given my suckly exchange rate is around ZAR 150 and worth every penny / cent / dime / whatever.

Keep up the good work and there'll be an extra tip later :D


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You got $7 from me yesterday. :thumbup: Here's a business question; will you be reimbursing the artist who made the wonderful loading screen art? I'd think he deserves a few cents of each final sale, at least.

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Hi have downloaded the download but it wont unzip at all is there a password or some thing?

It's possible that your download was corrupted. The server has been under heavy load with this latest release and it's been causing some downloads to get corrputed.

Try downloading again.


Capt'n Skunky

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I'll add that to wiki's FAQ section...

A corrupted file is always a download problem. Please check the md5sum (for example with Microsoft's own tool FCIV. It should be

275551d9f4812e047e1fbd0ec331ebb6 KSP_win_0_9.zip

If it's not, try the following:

  • [li]Disable all 'Download Managers'. These things don't speed up things that much, but often lead to trouble like this. Today, there's not much need for them anyway.[/li]
    [li]Clear your browser cache.[/li]
    [li]Try another browser[/li]

If that won't help. please refer to the support forum.

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