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Munar Dakar 2017

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@Leafbaron  Thanks! I literally designed the little dragster to explode amusingly (for that video), so guess what it did on stage 3 :rolleyes:


It exploded. I actually just lost the ions, and managed to use the rocket spoilers to push it the rest of the way to the flag. Bill had to use a long EVA jet jump to get back to the return craft... It wasn't glamorous, but Bill got home! I was planning to edit and upload this weekend, but I sadly forgot my computer at work. Next week though!

So far the challenge has been a blast. I'm looking forward to trying again.... probably with the same craft because I'm enjoying being silly.

@DoctorDavinci so close! I guess that's how it goes, though. Maybe rather than a rescue mission, you can just pick up Val with your next Munar Dakar expedition? Command seats in 1.25m instrumentation bays are a robust, lightweight way to pickup wayward travelers. I love the mobile rocket launching platform idea, by the way.

    Hey it may have just been the post-processing time acceleration, but your craft looked like it was handling a bit squirlier than I feel like it should have been. Did you forget to set some of the rear wheels to inverse steering? I'm always forgetting that...

Apparently I just put my rear wheels on backwards. :D

Edited by Cunjo Carl
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