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Space jump

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In the space jump challenge, you will do a space jump. =P This means you will jump out of your command pod (you can hold on to an object not attached to the command pod) and reenter the Kerbin atmosphere. All kerbal people involved must survive the jump.


- Extreme parachuting- Survive your fall

- Efficient- Command pod is reusable

- Friends- Have multiple crew members in one jump

- High up- Have an apogee of over 300 KM

-Close to home- Land in the vicinity of the KSC

Mods only for your booster rocket (Novapunch, KW, Silisko, ETC...)

Good luck, And i can\'t wait to see what you guys come up with.

My attempt here: http://imgur.com/a/Po8hC

It qualifies for- Extreme Parachuting (that\'s it, sadly)

Leader board------

Asaman- Extreme parachuting, efficient, friends, close to home

Sean Mirrsen- Extreme Parachuting, friends

SteevyT- Extreme Parachuting, High up

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My Kerbals are doing it Kerbal style by riding ...a bomb!

The ship consists of two bombs (for symmetry / balance) and just enough fuel to reach 80k apogee


Radial decouplers were a wee bit too strong, had to chase down the bomb with the pilot for half of minute.


Meanwhile the unmanned command pod is preparing for landing near KSC


The parachutes are open, everything going according to the plan. You can see the command pod and the unmanned bomb in the background.


Command pod has landed!


Mission successful.


Survive fall - check

Command pod reusable - check

Friends joining in - all three rode the same bomb.

Vicinity - I landed 15 KM away from KSC

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I was just about to start a challenge of my own along these lines, but then I saw this thread.

Behold, the Personal Escape&Reentry Device.


This small (0.81t) and almost reliable device can allow a single Kerbal to safely plummet to the surface of a planet with an atmosphere, and survive the landing.

Construction is easy, as the device is comprised of just seven parts.







Here is the log of the latest, most complex test performed:

The lifter craft stands on the launchpad. Note the lack of conventional crew rescue systems - these pilots are highly paid to trust whatever our R&D division comes up with.




Boosters are cast off.


And the crew is (nominally) in space.


Two crewmembers, Bill and Ludlong, climb out and assume their positions in the available PERDs.


Jebediah pulls the PERD release and climbs into one himself before the craft reaches critical altitude.


Being the professional that he is, he does it upside-down.


Unfortunately, the upright position is recommended for a reason, and Jeb is unceremoniously flung off his PERD, his fate uncertain (but he\'ll be back).


Bill and Ludlong keep their grip, and safely descend along with Jeb\'s empty PERD.


Parachutes finally open:


And here is Bill Kerman, having successfully survived re-entry on nothing but a parachute and a handful of scrap.


Ludlong\'s PERD had.. slightly deteriorated during landing...


But after a short walk, both accounted-for pilots stand together, ready to be picked up by the next bus to KSC.


(Jeb was waiting for them in the cafeteria, and refused to give explanations on how he got there before them)

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I did a similar design, but it was bigger. This challenge is interessing, now I know how to get back alive when capsule\'s chute is dead :)

EDIT : Jeb seems to like the PERD :)

Unfortunately, for an unknown reason, all three members sled off and died :(

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Your single end spoke is on backwards. It should point inwards, otherwise it can\'t hold the Kerbal if he detaches from the ladder. Also, the Kerbal in the picture is likewise sitting on the thing backwards. His head should face the parachute.

And besides, it\'s still a largely open cage. :P Reentering too fast can still throw you out. I could add a landing gear to it, but it\'d make the whole thing a mite too heavy.

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Okay these designs are awesome...

Im gonna be uploading one in a few hours (i\'m at work now so i cant play KSP on my work computer)

Just wanted to be able to keep an eye on this thread... for now

My challenge will be an edit of this post.

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My Kerbals are doing it Kerbal style by riding ...a bomb!

The ship consists of two bombs (for symmetry / balance) and just enough fuel to reach 80k apogee


Radial decouplers were a wee bit too strong, had to chase down the bomb with the pilot for half of minute.


Meanwhile the unmanned command pod is preparing for landing near KSC


The parachutes are open, everything going according to the plan. You can see the command pod and the unmanned bomb in the background.


Command pod has landed!


Mission successful.


Survive fall - check

Command pod reusable - check

Friends joining in - all three rode the same bomb.

Vicinity - I landed 15 KM away from KSC

Riding the bomb!! this is dr. strangelove all over again. :)

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My first design. Very unsafe, but somehow successful.

Shortly after the parachutes deployed.


And splashdown.


Here is my second design. A mobile home transported ballisticly.

The occupant has ditched the capsule to crash and burn while his new home floats to the surface.


Wow, check out the apoapsis.


Patny safe and sound (well as sound as a Kerbal can be I guess) in his brand new home.


Chutes partially open, man this thing floats around, I guess that\'s what I get for building it out of wings.


Chutes fully open, still weird forces from the wings pushing it around some.


And here is where the new home will sit.


Time to go explore.


Wait, there seems to be something wrong.


Help! My door is too small for my head!


Flight summary.


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Behold, the Personal Escape&Reentry Device.

I improved this design a bit by using two structural pylons at the bottom, and attaching upwards facing landing legs to them. It holds the kerbals in much better, as it is hard for them to slip out on my tests. I have yet to do a 3 person test with the double legs, but it should work just like the single.

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I improved this design a bit by using two structural pylons at the bottom, and attaching upwards facing landing legs to them. It holds the kerbals in much better, as it is hard for them to slip out on my tests. I have yet to do a 3 person test with the double legs, but it should work just like the single.
I didn't go with the landing legs because A) it looks silly, and B) you can't open or close them while you're on EVA. I believe I tried and failed, at least. Using two pylons instead of one would still probably be an improvement, but it's 0.1 extra mass and a bit of extra drag, for questionable gain.

Either way, if your Kerbal detaches and ragdolls while in the pod, he's going to fall through the decoupler. At least that happened when I tested it. The helmet was too big to fit between the pylons though, so the kerbal's head got stuck.

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