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[1.12.X] Feline Utility Rovers v1.3.4 (28. April 2022)


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Update to 0.4.1 aka Fixing Life Support



0.4.1 [Released: 4. Mar. 2017]

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the missing resources for the life support containers
  • Fixed the duplicate converter for the fuelcell when Kerbalism is installed


oYvtZpW.png UVVt0OP.png lMOxt2k.png

I'm releasing this fix rather soon because the next update might take a bit longer :wink: 

Edited by Nils277
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9 hours ago, Rafael acevedo said:

I went thru this extensively when alpha testing. It is not limited to FUR, but also to the buffalo and malemute rover (it is harder to observe in this since most of the parts that get stuck on the garage ceiling are integrated in the other rovers VS being discrete parts). Your best bet is not to put anything on the roof, except for the control unit on top of the cab. other things that help is to add struts to the cab and to lower only on side of the hangar when decoupling. Be careful cause these behavior might not occur in kerbin, but will occur under lower gravity. Here are some pics of designs that work and allow you to continually dock and undock.










Yes, I though in something like that but give up after the testing with the hitch on bumper that I posted.

For now I update the KJR version and also tweaked the garage doors so they dont touch the ground, that seens to help to minimize the jumps

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22 hours ago, FirroSeranel said:

Keep in mind though, Kerbals are much smaller than humans, and their vehicles are much smaller as well, typically a third to half the diameter of human spacecraft, so I assume their trucks would be the same, so 500 kg is probably a bit much.

I've been trying to solve the rolling problem (even with the wider wheels, it's very very roll-happy on the Mun at anything above about 12 m/s) by using different wheels, like the MaleMute's wheels, which give much less ground clearance. I don't like the look of them though, so recently I've been trying to make a half-track design with Kerbal Foundries, and to make the FUR double-wide. In general, I wish the Mun didn't have so much traction for turning. It seems to have very little traction for acceleration and braking, and near infinite friction for turning (and subsequently rolling over vehicles). This just isn't the case. If you look at footage of the moon buggy being driven, it slides sideways all the time before finally digging into deep enough dust to turn. But if I turn the Friction Control to manual, and lower it to a point where I don't roll every time I try to turn a little, I can't get it to turn at all, thanks to absolutely incredible amounts of understeer.

Roll overs can be easily fixed on kerbin, mun, and other world with gravity lower than kerbin. Place a cargo section on the rover and inside place 3 15 torque SAS modules. ( if you do 60 torque total 4x15, you can make the rover break dance  literally )


Rover cargo bay with 45 total torque ( 9x5 SAS modules)


Turn rover upside down for launch


Rover upside down on runway simulating roll over. Now press E key



Rover ready to go.

Note on lighter gravity planet/moons you can do this with as little as 15 torque., also the bigger the rover the larger the torque needed


Edited by Rafael acevedo
adding picts
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25 minutes ago, zakkpaz said:

is the plugin used for anything besides the joints/Hitches? 

It is also used for the lights(to enable emissive + light),  fuel switching, toggling the sides of the flatbed and adding a category in the editor. Maybe one or two other things I have forgotten at the moment. 

Why do you ask?

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2 hours ago, FellipeC said:

Yes, I though in something like that but give up after the testing with the hitch on bumper that I posted.

For now I update the KJR version and also tweaked the garage doors so they dont touch the ground, that seens to help to minimize the jumps

I initially did something similar to your hitch on bumper solution, the only reason I finally went with the above designs was that when docked and performing crew transfers, it really looks that the kerbal fits thru the tunnel, (although jebediah claims that with a vacuum pump on the hangar side he can be sucked through the hitch just like soda thru a straw) 

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8 minutes ago, Rafael acevedo said:

I initially did something similar to your hitch on bumper solution, the only reason I finally went with the above designs was that when docked and performing crew transfers, it really looks that the kerbal fits thru the tunnel, (although jebediah claims that with a vacuum pump on the hangar side he can be sucked through the hitch just like soda thru a straw) 

Yes, I like that "Realism", I dont like to transfer kerbals through spaces they wound't fit!

Before I start to use Planet Base System + Lynx rover I used Malemute + MKS modules. They have docking ports that are the exact same height so is easy to park the rover and dock. But besides Malemute, the MKS modules have no IVA, so I put they aside for now, and prefer to play with PBS and FUR, that look good not only outside but also inside. When Roverdude have time to make the IVAs and so will fun to have two "competitors" enterprises on game. At least I like to pretend it works like that :)

I just think that this solution of docking inside garage may not work with longer rovers, as they may still "fall" through the floor, and as explained this behavior is from KSP not any mod. Besides that I have no idea of how do such docking in a reliable way. Maybe the solution is dock the rovers only outside garage.


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7 minutes ago, FellipeC said:


I just think that this solution of docking inside garage may not work with longer rovers, as they may still "fall" through the floor, and as explained this behavior is from KSP not any mod. Besides that I have no idea of how do such docking in a reliable way. Maybe the solution is dock the rovers only outside garage.


Depends on what you call longer rovers, I have a rover that requires four pbs hangar sections to fit, and it works. I haven tried it with anything longer than this since I like it to look like a rover not a train

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7 minutes ago, FellipeC said:

Yes, I like that "Realism", I dont like to transfer kerbals through spaces they wound't fit!

Before I start to use Planet Base System + Lynx rover I used Malemute + MKS modules. They have docking ports that are the exact same height so is easy to park the rover and dock. But besides Malemute, the MKS modules have no IVA, so I put they aside for now, and prefer to play with PBS and FUR, that look good not only outside but also inside. When Roverdude have time to make the IVAs and so will fun to have two "competitors" enterprises on game. At least I like to pretend it works like that :)

I just think that this solution of docking inside garage may not work with longer rovers, as they may still "fall" through the floor, and as explained this behavior is from KSP not any mod. Besides that I have no idea of how do such docking in a reliable way. Maybe the solution is dock the rovers only outside garage.

There will be height adjustable docking bay in the next update that allows you to dock the Lynx side by side with any base/rover you want :wink:

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5 minutes ago, Rafael acevedo said:

Depends on what you call longer rovers, I have a rover that requires four pbs hangar sections to fit, and it works. I haven tried it with anything longer than this since I like it to look like a rover not a train

Good to know that this solution is sturdy! I would try that, but for now I'll wait for:

1 minute ago, Nils277 said:

There will be height adjustable docking bay in the next update that allows you to dock the Lynx side by side with any base/rover you want :wink:

I'm really happy for that news! Thanks a lot. If I may, can the default height match Lynx and PBS, so we need adjust the height just for other mods?

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2 minutes ago, FellipeC said:

Good to know that this solution is sturdy! I would try that, but for now I'll wait for:

I'm really happy for that news! Thanks a lot. If I may, can the default height match Lynx and PBS, so we need adjust the height just for other mods?

Thats the plan :wink: 

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20 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

There will be height adjustable docking bay in the next update that allows you to dock the Lynx side by side with any base/rover you want :wink:


You master, me little grasshopper or in today's language I am just a padawan. Looking forward to it. 

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Thanks for the update!

The life support module, however, has the wrong resources for MKS. The three-resource mode has Supplies, Oxygen, and Water. It should be Supplies, Fertilizer, and Mulch. The three single-resource modes are correct.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again. *hugs*

No rush though. It's simple enough to use the main unit full of supplies, and a couple of undercarriage pods for the other two until it's fixed. Plus I don't actually use Fertilizer or Mulch on rovers anyway, as trying to fit any kind of greenhouse big enough to be useful for more than one kerbal is almost impossible on a rover.

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3 hours ago, Nils277 said:

It is also used for the lights(to enable emissive + light),  fuel switching, toggling the sides of the flatbed and adding a category in the editor. Maybe one or two other things I have forgotten at the moment. 

Why do you ask?

I don't want to get rid of KJR so i deleted the affected parts, i was just wondering if I should delete the plugin to

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3 minutes ago, zakkpaz said:

I don't want to get rid of KJR so i deleted the affected parts, i was just wondering if I should delete the plugin to

Actually there's a dev version of KJR that works perfectly, allows flexible joints, but also works for everything else.


Go there, click "Clone or Download", download it as a zip file, open the zip, then move only the GameData folder to your KSP directory.

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Do you have two Lynx Joint Adapters on either side of the bellows, facing the correct way (so the notch below them forms a smooth joint with the rover body)?

If so, do you have the current release of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed? If so, see my above post to install a development version that fixes a bug that doesn't let free pivoting joints move with KJR.

7 minutes ago, Lucchese said:

Hi, I tried searching for Feline Utility Rovers KSPedia on Google to figure out why my bellows arent working, but without luck.
Could someone provide me the link?



4 hours ago, Rafael acevedo said:

Roll overs can be easily fixed on kerbin, mun, and other world with gravity lower than kerbin. Place a cargo section on the rover and inside place 3 15 torque SAS modules. ( if you do 60 torque total 4x15, you can make the rover break dance  literally )

Note on lighter gravity planet/moons you can do this with as little as 15 torque., also the bigger the rover the larger the torque needed


Actually, even on the Mun, you can get a reasonably-sized Lynx to turn back over with just the reaction wheels in the cockpit and remote control unit. It takes a couple of iterations of rocking it back and forth, but it can consistently be done.

I'm trying to not roll over in the first place. :wink:

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Amazing work, Nils. Amazing! I love it that there's actually beds in the crew compartment. Finally some rest during those two week sorties!


Some quick feedback on little bugs I found:

  • The readme mentions "kbps_settings.cfg" but the mod seems to use a "FelineUtilityRover.cfg" file. Perhaps a carry-over from your planetary base mod?
  • In crew overlay mode the windows of the crew compartment, when looking "inside out" don't show the outside world but rather parts of the rover.

Little stuff that's no big deal though!

Are you considering foldable wheels like Roverdude's Malemute rover has?

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Hi Nils, I have a suggestion

Remove the floor plate of service bay, let the drill or landing leg not "magically" penetrate the floor when extended

You can just cut the hole, user can cover the hole with canister when they don't need the hole, or maybe further make the hole toggle-able like flatbed's wall


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1 hour ago, royying said:

Hi Nils, I have a suggestion

Remove the floor plate of service bay, let the drill or landing leg not "magically" penetrate the floor when extended

You can just cut the hole, user can cover the hole with canister when they don't need the hole, or maybe further make the hole toggle-able like flatbed's wall


I was wondering what I could fit in this bay. Thanks for the idea. A toggleable floor plus a hollow canister would do wonders for this! BTW what is under the radiator panels?

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2 hours ago, FellipeC said:

I was wondering what I could fit in this bay. Thanks for the idea. A toggleable floor plus a hollow canister would do wonders for this! BTW what is under the radiator panels?

ISRU Converter, you need to move it down little bit to prevent it penetrate the roof, or cover the roof by solar panel.

It is an all in one drill-refinery-transport car

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