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Nav-ball wasd

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5 hours ago, molecule9 said:

Foe rhe nav ball,...

:huh:...Dovakiin, is that you?

Look at the "crosshair" at the center of the navball. That marker never ever rotates or moves around(relative to your screen)...but the navball behind it definately spins and rotates. So, pressing "A" will always act like your marker is following the LEFT side of the navbal; pressing "W" always goes to the bottom of the navball and so forth...

In thruth, the navball is static and locked to the surroundings...it is the ship that spins around the navball. The navball locks so that the brown section points is towards gravity, and North(the red line) points towards the "top" of planets

Having w,a,s,d around the edges would not help at all since they will always stay static (like paper stickers on your computer screen)

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6 hours ago, Blaarkies said:

Having w,a,s,d around the edges would not help at all since they will always stay static (like paper stickers on your computer screen)

This, really. They might as well be drawn on as parts of the HUD graphics.

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@molecule9 Try pressing "v". It should change your camera mode, keep pressing until you get to "Locked" mode. This will lock the camera behind your space craft's control point(like the cockpit usually), similar to what you would see if you were inside the ship. Try this, see if it helps you figure out how the navball works(its really important to understands the navball, it is a really powerful tool)

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Do you use a non-standard ("qwerty") keyboard?

This is the first time I have heard the WASD combination not to be highly intuitive, because of their layout on a keyboard (left, right, up, down).

If the orientation of the ship on your screen is confusing, just focus on the navball. Almost anything can be flown just by looking at the navball, I've landed on the Mun by just flying from the navball before.

This would actually represent a common problem - pilot disorientation. This is one of the reasons that a real pilot must be able to fly on instruments alone.

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This suggestion would need to take into account players remapping keys or, with localization coming, non-QWERTY keyboard layouts. SO I don't think it could just be added to the texture of the UI element, it would need to adjust dynamically.

Honestly though, this is a bit of a learn to play issue. I struggled at first to control craft predictably, the biggest thing is to look at the navball instead of the craft. Showing the keybinds on the ball doesn't really help with that.

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