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[1.4.3] Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul v3.4.0 [UPDATE IN PROGRESS]


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Alright, update on flag status: I tried doing method two (eye candy), and with some fiddling with the camera (can't hide the orbit lines), I was able to get a decent screenshot. I played around with wordart and some other things and got this:


Now, I am fiddling around with photoshop. I can get this looking REALLY good with that. However, by using microsoft word, I can easily edit the name. And that's a good thing, as you are thinking about changing the name.

I tried getting Niebitos in there, but the orbit lines looked rather unsightly.

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2 minutes ago, Raptor22 said:

Alright, update on flag status: I tried doing method two (eye candy), and with some fiddling with the camera (can't hide the orbit lines), I was able to get a decent screenshot. I played around with wordart and some other things and got this:


Now, I am fiddling around with photoshop. I can get this looking REALLY good with that. However, by using microsoft word, I can easily edit the name. And that's a good thing, as you are thinking about changing the name.

I tried getting Niebitos in there, but the orbit lines looked rather unsightly.

I'm not able to see the image. You able to upload it to imgur.com then put the link here?

I'm in equal minds about the eye-candy VS simplistic view, whichever I feel suits the mod, and whichever is easiest for you - thanks for having a go at it!

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I would submit a screenshot, but my game crashed. And keeps crashing.

*sigh* my mods list is too long. Might just be bugs on my end,
Either way, it looks like you have your hands full with the bugs with Niebietos.


Here's the original thing I slapped together:


It looks like the forums do not support imgur any more (they got rid of the thing in the post tool bar), so I couldn't insert an album. I hope it gets through. If not, check here: http://imgur.com/a/QX2nS

Edited by Raptor22
Forgot the darn link
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7 minutes ago, Raptor22 said:

I would submit a screenshot, but my game crashed. And keeps crashing.

*sigh* my mods list is too long. Might just be bugs on my end,
Either way, it looks like you have your hands full with the bugs with Niebietos.


Here's the original thing I slapped together:


It looks like the forums do not support imgur any more (they got rid of the thing in the post tool bar), so I couldn't insert an album. I hope it gets through. If not, check here: http://imgur.com/a/QX2nS

What if we combined both the eye-candy photo and the simplistic, planet line-up?

I could use a screenshot of Niebos, its rings and Niebietos without any editing needed, then Photoshop the view of Olu'um's system into view.

Once I iron out Niebiebiebiebietos's bugs and the terrain/texture bug you pointed out, I'll look into designing a flag a bit more! Either way - mandatory ring shots!

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5 hours ago, Theglitchofthekraken said:

Yay, the mod works now in 64 bit! Just one problem: Why do the moons (like Teloslate) look like voids and Neibos and Kerbin look like black licorice? (Actually Kerbin just looks like a water world with these mods together)

They shouldn't do. They're supposed to look like the screenshots.

Send me your Kopernicus log, please (Kerbal Space Program > Logs > Kopernicus > Kopernicus.log)

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4 hours ago, Theglitchofthekraken said:

Hmm that looks like the log.

It's apparent that some planets, of which is most noticeably the Olu'um system, are not being loaded.

You definitely have the right version of the mod, since Flak is present.

Are you absolutely sure no other mods are installed? If so, remove them.

Are you using the version of kopernicus provided in my mod? Please delete Kopernicus and Modular Flight Integrator and use Kopernicus and MFI from my mod.

It is possible that you merged two Kopernicus folders together, which makes the stability completely collapse.

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Hey everyone!

I'm typing this on mobile because I have a power outage. It's been out for a good hour or so and the entire street is out, too.

This means no release, but I have a screenshot I took whilst working on Niebos and Niebietos's terrain.

@The White GuardianHere's Niebietos's new terrain. (Sorry for misplaced tag Guardian, mobile messes this stuff up) I've solved the pixels by using a method similar to what (The white guardian) suggested using a PQS mod VertexPlanet. The heightmap was exported after the PQS mod was applied, and that's used for ScaledSpace. The PQS mod loads when you get in range of Niebietos, making it seamless and smooooooth as a kerbal's... :Papes4pg.jpg

Here's Niebietos: (dark, since it's hiding from us as it's a WIP.) Ignore the stuff on the left unless you're a planet creator!unknown.png

Oh, did I mention Niebietos now has a HAZARDOUS ocean. It's a lava lake. Get too close? Well... You will burn up. 70m is the nearest you can get before you have no chance of escaping (yes, the ocean/lava WILL kill you)

15 minutes ago, Theglitchofthekraken said:

i do have a suggestion, but i think it wont make sense

Sure, go ahead! I'd love to hear it @Theglitchofthekraken :)

Edited by Gamel0rd1
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9 minutes ago, Theglitchofthekraken said:

Uh, ok. so this Person said: 

Playlists 4 Dayz 1 month ago

There's a cave on Eve with a picture of a UFO and in the oceans of Eve there's one too.

I think the ocean one is impossible, but i think the one on land can be made. maybe this already added, or you can add it as an easter egg if it isn't!

Due to limitations of Kopernicus, I cannot make my own (or add my own) monoliths to planets. This is definitely something I wanna do because it fits with the lore (story) of the mod, but I can't.

It's up to the developers of Kopernicus to add monolith support (maybe a PQSmod which uses latitude and longitude or the coordinates on a heightmap

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2 minutes ago, Theglitchofthekraken said:

I think, like a planet and a moon and the moon is getting torn apart, with bits of land floating in the air, but i think that's too hard for you.

That is a good idea, although floating bits are not possible, and having multiple floating objects in orbit to try and simulate this will create bugs with orbits.

A better way to implement your idea would be to add a very deformed, tail-like structure to the planet, as if it melted and it was stretched. I might try that, though it may not work!

Let's see what I can do!

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10 hours ago, Gamel0rd1 said:

That is a good idea, although floating bits are not possible, and having multiple floating objects in orbit to try and simulate this will create bugs with orbits.

A better way to implement your idea would be to add a very deformed, tail-like structure to the planet, as if it melted and it was stretched. I might try that, though it may not work!

Let's see what I can do!

I suggest giving the following a try, you can make REALLY cool cracked effects with the following mod:

	frequency = X
	deformation = 500
	enableDistance = false
	displacement = 1
	seed = 823
	enabled = true
	order = X

The frequency determines the size of the fractures, the greater this number, the smaller the fractures will be. Deformation is the same as deformity, I've entered 500 here but it can be any number.

You can alter the seed as well, I just entered a random number here. The order is something you'll have to specify yourself. The result should be that some plates of land have been forced up or down in a cracked-like pattern.

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8 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

I suggest giving the following a try, you can make REALLY cool cracked effects with the following mod:

	frequency = X
	deformation = 500
	enableDistance = false
	displacement = 1
	seed = 823
	enabled = true
	order = X

The frequency determines the size of the fractures, the greater this number, the smaller the fractures will be. Deformation is the same as deformity, I've entered 500 here but it can be any number.

You can alter the seed as well, I just entered a random number here. The order is something you'll have to specify yourself. The result should be that some plates of land have been forced up or down in a cracked-like pattern.

That sounds wicked, I'm gonna try that out now!


(Replies Merged)

Hey everyone! Since there was no release yesterday, I'm back to working on stuff again today, more specifically on re-doing Flak and ensuring Niebos's sea doesn't get too low. As I was checking the land around Niebos, I landed at a plateau and captured this:


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